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Brad McCarthy

"Who is she?" Mack asked. I didn't answer his question, but my gaze was on her. I looked away when she peeked at me. Mack watched Ava and her friends looking at me.

Her beautiful eyes are now filled with rage and sadness. 'Is she upset that I didn't talk to her?' I glanced at her as she passed by the table. Her friends are behind her. I sighed, knowing I would have to watch her from afar.

"Bro, are you going tell me about that girl? Why was she looking at you like that?" Mack asked, turning around and looking at her...


I don't have to answer him. I watched as she got into the car and looked at me once before the car drove away. I rolled my lower lip into my mouth as memories of the evening hit my mind. Her oval-shaped face glimpsed at me with the same curious eyes that I had seen growing up.

I remember the first time I saw her. The day when Vincent took me home, she was in the living room playing house with Caleb and Axel. I don't remember much of her at the beginning of my stay at their home.

But I know she used to play with the boys as she didn't have any friends at home. I never tried to have a conversation with her but saw her grow up with us. I lived with Vincent and his family for almost five years before I decided to move out of their home.

I got a small apartment for myself. Vincent was supportive and he understood me. His parents never treated me as an outsider. I felt at home when I was with them. Ava was scared of me, I could say that. Knowing she was scared of me, I never disturbed her or made an effort to talk.

I smiled as I remember her spending most of the time in the dining area. She used to do her homework, projects and stick the photographs in her scrapbook on the dining table. Celeb and Axel used to talk with her over there, but as soon as she used to see me, she used to run away.

I never understood why she used to run away or why she was so scared of me. I― I had a crush on her... Pushing the nervousness away, I tried to talk with her but it never worked out. The minute I entered the room, she scooped away and locked herself in another room.

I would be lying if I said I was okay with that. As the years passed, she grew up in a beautiful... Pretty girl with rosy cheeks. As she didn't have friends, she used to spend most of her time in the house.

I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable in my presence or lock herself in her room when I was present. I didn't feel it was right, so most of the time I used to stay out or in the gym. Saving up enough money, I moved out and rented a small apartment.

I haven't seen her in all these years. There were times when I thought of seeing her but I couldn't because we both belonged to two different worlds.

There wasn't a day when I forgot about her. I remember her every day, but as the days passed, I became busy with my life. The life hustle is real and it kept me busy for a long time. The night when I saw Ava among the crowd. I couldn't believe it but as I kept staring at her, I confirmed that it was 'Ava'

I felt everything freeze for a minute before it hit me. I was upset and angry when I saw Ava in that shady place. The people... The things that happen in the darkness. She doesn't belong there and she shouldn't be there in that cruel place.

I looked at Mack who stood up from the chair as he got a phone call. I looked at the pizza on my plate as I thought of Ava. I was not going to ask her about her being in a shady place. She is a grown-up woman but sometimes people tend to end up in a dangerous place because of ignorance.

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