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Ava Morris

"Mummy, can you make me a strong coffee, please?" Mum nodded her head and stood up from her chair.

"I will bring it right away darling."

"Thank you." I closed my eyes, feeling the tiredness. My back hurts more than anything. I placed my laptop on the table before leaning my body, hearing the cracking of my body as I stretched and released the tension.

"Can you clean this mess?" I turned my head to see Serena. Serena had a disgusted expression playing on her face. There were camera tools, pendrives, books and wires on the table and around me.

"Not happening and one mess is saying to clean the other mess," I say. She glared when I said that. I dislike this lady. I don't know how Vincent even likes her.

"Just move these stupid papers."

"Listen here woman, that's my stuff you are talking about, I'm not going to move them. This is my home, you are a guest. Behave like one." I glared back. I don't want to sound rude towards her, but I have been patient enough to keep up with her drama and comments. She was unnecessarily rude and snappy.

"What's happening here?" Vincent entered the room.

"Baby, your sister is being rude, she hurt me." She started her drama.

"Vincent, tell your girlfriend to stay away from my stuff if she doesn't want me to behave rudely."

"But this is a mess, baby. I don't like to sit when it is messy."

"unless you are planning to sit on the floor, honey." I pointed to the sofa which was empty. "The sofa is empty and neat."

"I don't like these things on the floor." She turned to Vincent. "Baby, tell her to move this mess to her room." I shook my head, clicking my tongue. I walked away to the kitchen.

"And if she touches my stuff, you know what I can do." I yelled, letting them know. Vincent knows about me disliking it when people touch my stuff without permission.

"I was bringing your coffee. Why do I hear a noise?" mum asked. She looked confused as to why I walked into the kitchen.

"It's Serena, she is a dramatic woman. I don't like her." I took a sip of my coffee.

"Don't worry, Vincent is going today and she will be leaving along with him. Don't be harsh to her."

"Mum, she is the one who behaves rudely and harshly."

"Okay... Okay..." I walked back into the living room where I had to finish the remaining work. If the work is done, I will be able to take a nap.


"Ugh..." I bent down to gather my things which had fallen. I don't know why I'm being so clumsy today. My parents are out of town to meet my grandparents while Vincent is meeting his friends. He said they are having a get-together party tonight.

I met Axel and Celeb yesterday but I didn't see Brad. I felt sad though because I wanted to see him. It's been a long time since I saw him. I don't know if he is attending their get-together party or not. Axel has got a girlfriend, but Celeb is single and not ready to mingle.

I was surprised to know Axel is in a serious relationship. I never thought that guy would be in a serious relationship. I was so busy with thoughts I didn't see someone coming. I bumped into them and again my things fell. I groaned before picking them up for the second time. My stomach is growling for food and all I'm doing is being clumsy.

"I'm sorry."

"How are you?" my head snapped so fast that it hurt. My eyes widened, looking at Brad, whose face was covered by a mask.

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