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There was something peculiar about the current generation of the Ashford siblings. They were well mannered(?) and elegant(?) on the outside, but complete maniacs on the inside, a trait they inherited from their father Lorenz Ashford.

The older sibling Clive was a rigid young man with natural-born talents. He had a serene temperament which made him seem reliable and he did.

The younger sibling Angelica, on the other hand, had a temperament that was no different from a wild beast. Her stunning beauty and skills in the sword made her an idol among the Ashford knights. She rarely appeared in social events and became the phantom beauty known for disliking any and every method of courtship.

In addition, all important information regarding the daughter of the Ashford house was completely concealed from reaching the outside world by the former Countess Maria Ashford.

While Clive preferred to utilize his brains, Angelica chose brawns. It didn't mean that they lack the other trait. Rather it was simply a matter of convenience.



Two shadows dashed in front of Angelica from either side before she could reach the door and blocked her way.

"Don't go!"


Clive stood in front of the door with his arms spread out. Clive was standing in front of him in a defensive position.

Angelica froze on the spot surprised by the sudden onslaught. She blinked her eyes a few times to take in the image before her.

'This is new'

Angelica was astonished by the formation of the most unlikely alliance. Together Chirpy and Clive resembled comic book heroes defending the doorway to stop her from leaving.

It made her want to play with them a little more.

"Oh right! I should probably leave the way I came in" She said, turning around and headed towards the window at a fast pace.


Clive charged towards her at the speed of light.

But Angelica being faster than him, already had her foot up the window ready to jump out.

However, she was stopped by Clive and Chirpy. She could feel a firm hand clench on her shoulder and a nudge of the clothes from below.

Clive tightened his grip on Angelica's shoulder when he noticed her stifle as laughter.

"Pfft....hahaha" Angelica burst out laughing when she saw their desperate expressions.

*whimper* *whimper*

Chirpy whimpered as he continued tugging her in, till she was inside the room.

"You are doing this on purpose, aren't you?" asked Clive, veins popping out on his forehead.

"You both can be so cute when you are desperate...." Angelica kneeled down and patted Chirpy.

Chirpy put his arms on her shoulder and rested his head on top of hers, intentionally pulling her into a hug. Having dried out, his fur was as soft as a feather.

It was the perfect bait for Angelica. This was a method he often employed to get his way with her stubbornness.

And every time he did, it always worked.


Chirpy let out a triumphant bark looking down on his opponent.

Clive gritted his teeth seething in anger. He was annoyed by the smug face of the large dog that was obviously looking down on him.

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