Chapter 99

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"Check the equipment. We need to be prepared with everything before departure"

Gallahan instructed his men to hurry. A total of twelve men including Will from the Tullus mercenaries would be joining the journey to Orion. They were stocking their food supplies and other necessities required for the trip.

"I did the head could Gramps. Everyone is here"

"Will get the waterproof tent..."

Gallahan and Will were talking to their men when they noticed Ann standing with Ezra.

Ann turned around swiftly.

"Is there a problem Miss?"

"Yes. I... I left something behind. Without it, I would probably die. So I'm going to get it now" Ann blabbered to a confused Ezra and started walking in long strides.

'That blue hair'

Will watched as Ann walked away.

"Oh! Where is she going at such a speed?" Gallahan laughed, stroking his grey beard, and called out to her,


Ignoring his call Ann walked at full speed in the opposite direction.

"He's calling for you"

"Do you have any respect for your elders?"

Popping out from among the carriages, Noah and Oliver put their hands on Ann's shoulder and stopped her from leaving. They slowly rotated her until she was facing Gallahan.

"Lovely day, isn't it Chief Gallahan?" Ann smiled like a professional artist, the previous scowl on her face had disappeared in the air.

"It is"

Gallahan said with a bright smile. He was followed by a blushing Will hesitating taking glances at Ann.

'I can read his face like an open book'

Ann looked sideways to avoid Will's gaze as much as possible. She remembered him from the tavern.

Ann did not want to complicate her relationship with colleagues especially when they were supposed to travel together for a prolonged time.

Having zero dating experience in both present and past life, and straight-up shipped to a slaughter marriage, she did not want to lose the peace she had been feeling after coming to Nero village.

"How have you been Ann?" Will scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I'm great"

"Is that so"


The spectators of the one-sided conversation Gallahan, Noah, and Oliver watched them with amused expressions.

Although Gallahan had expectations on his grandson's courtship, Oliver and Noah knew better. So they decided not to interrupt and go with the flow.

"By the way Chief Gallahan..."

Ann changed the subject to dissipate the awkward atmosphere.

"Where are the Wayward merchants? I haven't seen them anywhere"

'And that cutie too. Was his name Kobe?'

Ann had been looking forward to meeting the cute guy who asked her out for a drink at the tavern the previous night. When they reached the tavern there were no signs of the rowdy gang. Even the well-connected Mr. Wilbert did not know where they disappeared to in a single day.

"The Wayward merchants left town before dawn" Gallahan said, recalling the Wayward merchants packing their stuff in the dark.

"What! Why?" Ann asked him in a hurry.

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