Chapter 150

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*click-clack* *click-clack* 

The mild sound of her heel hitting against the floor was heard with every step she took. They were steady and confident with no sense of fear or doubt.

Like a pale mist that clouds over the unknown, from the moment Angelica stepped in through the doors, there was a shift in the atmosphere. 

The aura around her had changed significantly compared to the morning hijinks after an unforgettable night of alcohol and music. 

Still, all she did was slowly walk towards me so...

'Why is my heart beating so fast?' I frowned, placing my hands on my abnormally beating heart.

As Angelica made her way towards me, there began an irking sensation in the back of my head that screamed whatever that was coming my way was not pleasant.

Certainly, it wasn't new for Angelica's mood to reflect the happenings of the day. When she left in the morning, her frame of mind was more or less on the dark side, with a bad case of hangover.

But this was different.

She was different.

Not playful, not angsty, or even angry. But a strange state of peace, almost a bit joyous.

Even though I couldn't see her, I knew there was an unusually happy smile plastered on her face as she looked down at my cursed being.

What was it that is going on her mind for such an odd reaction? I wondered, unable to make a guess. 

No matter how far-fetched of an idea it might seem, with Angelica, anything was within the realm of possibility. For all I could guess she might have even found a way to completely break the curse without the need for holy power, yet purposefully withheld the details just for the fun of it.

"Hmmm..." Angelica hummed with her intense gaze fixed on my face.

Then after a prolonged duration of uncomfortable silence, she walked over to the other side of the room. 

It was only then I was able to let go of the breath I had been unconsciously holding in.

Of course, Angelica wasn't aware of that. 

She casually opened the hidden safe, the insides of which were now an unrecognizable pile of documents and alike. The fortune within the vault may not have caught her fancy, but after nearly being caught red-handed, Angelica had hidden some of her own things inside of it so as to not catch the eyes of Herbie or Nathaniel.

It was resourceful and reckless at the same time. For in a different set of circumstances, it would've landed her in a lot of trouble.

With the Third Eye's blade in her hand, she traced her steps back only to momentarily stop in front of the side table to fetch a book before walking out of the room.

Up until the moment the doors closed, her sharp eyes were fixed on me as if there were anticipating a movement.

'Seriously? What has gotten into her?' The built-up tension caused my body to stiffen.

The book Angelica had taken with her was not an ordinary one but was just a casing for the dagger that was hidden inside of it.

It turns out everything was a misdirection when it came to my wife. Even the greatest showmen of Orion would pale in comparison to her.

A few minutes later Angelica returned empty-handed, after having seemingly destroyed the book the dagger was sent in.

With her leg positioned on the bed, Angelica skillfully armed herself as if she was going to war. But in fact, she was on the way to the Temple of Eir in order to collect holy artifacts to continue the blessing ceremony in the absence of the priests.

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