field trip (pt.1)

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The teacher got on the bus and counted the heads (not decapitated heads, you psychopath) of the students, and then announced, "Since there are barely any students who showed interest in the trip... are all the boys on the bus?"

"Yeah, whatever," Jisung gloomily spoke, stuck on the window of the bus like a bug, admiring the bus full of girls beside theirs, "The girls are on the other bus anyway."

"Shh!" Jeongin shushed him, and then cheerfully replied to the teacher, "Yes, ma'am!"

"You seem like a teacher's asslicker. That's awful," Minho commented on Jeongin's behaviour.

"Not that awful when you're failing physics and the only option to score well is to be a teacher's pet," Jeongin shrugged.

"He's got a point there," Hyunjin spoke from the seat behind theirs.

"Yah, who would even like to be a teacher's pet in this day and age?" Changbin grimaced.

"All the y/n's on Wattpad," Felix retorted.

"He's got a point there," Hyunjin said again.

"Life isn't Wattpad," Seungmin remarked.

"He's got a p-" Hyunjin couldn't complete when Minho intervened, "Shut up? Shut up!"

Chan jumped in, "Guys, are we ready for this amazing trip-"

Seungmin sarcastically interrupted, "-to the divine land of hens and cows! Ah, paradise!"

"Hens? More like... Cocks," Jisung giggled.

"Cock and balls," Felix added.

"Cock and balls indeed," Hyunjin nodded respectfully.

"I don't understand but smile and nod, smile and nod," Jeongin muttered, smiling and nodding.

"...Alright, so we're off for the field trip," old Chan didn't know how to catch up.

As the bus started moving, Seungmin drew out his earphones and connected them to his phone. Not even a minute later, Jeongin came to him, "What are you listening to?"

Seungmin removed an earplug and passed it to the youngest, and listening to the song halfway through, Felix snatched both of their earphones and exclaimed, "Let's have fun!"

"I was having fun? Until you interrupted?" Seungmin spoke, and Felix frowned.

And nobody could see the sunshine frowning, so Seungmin apologized and sighing, he remarked, "Let's have... fun."

"That pause that you made between the words and 'fun' made me have some thoughts," Minho chuckled.

"Oh em gee, we're meant to be!" Jisung exclaimed.

"That rhymed," Chan pointed.

"Students, we're here!" The teacher announced.

"We literally just started?" Changbin complained, "Ahh, this is corruption!"

"...How?" Chan questioned.

"There was barely any distance from the school to the field, and this shows that the school didn't want to spend money on fuel for the bus. That just proves that our fees are just to fatten up the principal and that's corruption," Changbin crossed his arms and spoke.

"..." Old Chan yet again didn't know how to catch up.

Felix and Jeongin got off the bus after the teacher, and stretching their arms after the long and tiring bus ride, and Jisung and Hyunjin followed suit.

Minho descended the stairs of the bus and looked around at the green stretch of the farm, with cages to keep hens and chicks on one side, and horses and cows on the other.

"Too green," Minho spoke, turning around to get back on the bus, but Chan, who was forcing Seungmin and Changbin out of the bus, blocked his way.

"Let's have fun!" Chan cheered.

"I'm here because you said so, and if I get bored, I'll slaughter you," Seungmin spoke to Chan with a poker face.

"He's kidding," Hyunjin joined them.

"Or am I?" Seungmin looked at Hyunjin straight in the eye.

Chan looked around at Felix and Jisung doing a Naruto run around the farm, and Jeongin stuck to his phone, and the rest of the guys around him.

"Guys, I swear to god, we'll have fun!"

(a/n: part 2 soon!!

After the deaths of my mother's mom and father's dad, this is the first time I'm writing something. I know, it's not up to the standard, but trust me, I'm trying really hard. And the fact that my 18th birthday is on 29 doesn't help. I don't feel like celebrating it

BUT I hope you enjoyed reading this! Stay tuned for the next chapter!)

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