the party (pt.1)

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Chan looked at the wall clock of his apartment, displaying seven minutes before it struck six. He unlocked his phone to see messages from a lot of girls, wishing him a merry Christmas, and being the good-hearted guy he is, he replied to all of them.

Just as the clock struck six, the doorbell rang. Surprised as to who was exactly on time, he opened the door and found Seungmin standing there, smiling.

"Merry Christmas!" Chan smiled widely, welcoming him into his apartment, and just as he was about to close the door, he heard a yell, "DON'T CLOSE THE DOOR!"

Chan then looked at Hyunjin running towards his door with a gift in his hands, panting heavily. Just as he reached the door, he sunk to the ground, heavily breathing, "I... How could I let Seungmin win?!"


Seungmin explained, "He texted me yesterday about when I was going to reach your place, and when I said that I was going to be on time, he bet against me that he would come earlier than me."

"Okay, boomer," Hyunjin grimaced, and Chan laughed.

As they were standing at the entrance of his apartment, they heard a car stopping by the building, and then a boy getting out of the passenger seat.

"Okay, mom, I'll call you to pick me up on time!" The boy groaned. Needless to say, it was Jeongin.

"Welcome!" Chan grinned at him, and withing the next two minutes, Felix and Minho arrived as well.

"Thanks for inviting me! I was lonely at home and had nothing to do," Felix beamed at him.

"Is that Jisung?" Minho asked Chan, pointing at Hyunjin. The dramatic one gasped.


"Wait, this is the first time you guys are seeing each other, right?" Chan realized.

"Hyunjin and I share a class, so we know each other," Seungmin spoke.

"And Changbin and Jisung know each other, and Jeongin knows 3RACHA," Chan mindlessly spoke.

"Big brain moment," Jeongin commented.

"Son, when did you become so sassy?"

"I-" before Jeongin could complete, they heard a loud yell outside the apartment's window. They rushed towards it and opened it, and saw Jisung waving at them, and Changbin trying to hide his face.


" that's Jisung," Minho stated.

"HELLO! I'LL CATCH YOU! YEET RIGHT IN!" Felix exclaimed, and Jisung stopped waving.


"AYYY!" Hyunjin whistled.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Changbin shouted.

Suddenly, Chan's neighbor, a plumpy old lady came out of her apartment with her cat, and scolded, "STOP YELLING! MY LOVELY MARCEL IS SCARED OF YOU!"

And she shut her door with a bang. The eight boys kept staring at it for a minute before Minho yelled, "AND THAT'S WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE A BOOMER, AHAHAHAHAHA!"

As the door was about to open again, Changbin and Jisung ran into Chan's apartment.

"Nice save," Seungmin sarcastically spoke.

"Well, hello to you too!" Jisung folded his arms, and Changbin scoffed.

"What?" Jeongin asked.

"You all better thank me that I brought him with me. He was still asleep when I went to pick him up, and I had to literally drag him out of his bed to get him ready," Changbin boasted.

"Why are you exposing me?" Jisung laughed-cried.

"Anyways, let me introduce you all to each othe-" Chan couldn't complete as Jisung whimpered loudly.


"My heart says that's Minho!" Jisung said, pointing at Hyunjin.

Minho cracked up.

"No, that's Hyunjin," Seungmin deadpanned.

"Oh..." Jisung nervously laughed, "So I embarrassed myself again, haha...ha..."

Chan sighed; this was going to be harder than what he had expected.

(a/n: IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE!! What are your plans for the holidays? We're getting like two days off and then I have an exam so yeah lmao no point.

The second part of this party will be up either by double update today or probably tomorrow! It's about to get crazier, hehe!)

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