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Viorel just came from her high school and now was standing in front of a store where all of the Otaku thought it was a paradise place.

An anime store.

Wandering as well as looking around, Viorel then came across one of familiar anime that she already had watched and began observing the cover. She could see about twelve boys surrounding a brown haired girl and her squirrel that just stood on her shoulder. Viorel made her dark brown eyes only focus on the girl.

She must be lucky to have many brothers even though she has her own conflict, but still… it's nice to have a big family like that, she must feel wanted. Unlike me, I don't have anyone with me… The girl sighed as a yearning feeling to have someone close made its way to her heart. Viorel then immediately walked away from the store but not before took a last glance at the anime.

As she strode silently while she was in her deep thought, an unexpected occurrence happened and that was a dog suddenly jumping from the nearby bushes, making Viorel's body jolt. She felt like her heart would burst out of her chest because it really scared her greatly to the point she accidentally stumbled onto a bump on the rocky asphalt, fell backwards, and hit her head very hard on the ground. The throb of pain came inside her head as soon as she felt something fluid-like come out of her head which she assumed was blood. The blood of hers surrounded her head like a puddle, making her jet black hair quite sticky.

Argh…! That really hurts. Am I… going to die? If I am, then is this how I died? Died alone in such a ridiculous way? The girl let out a sigh.

Although as much as she really wanted to say bad words to the dog who caused her like this, she still didn't want to and didn't know why. Perhaps she had a soft spot on animals…?

Black spots started appearing in her vision and Viorel could feel her consciousness slowly slipped away as her eyelids were desiring to the verge of closing, in which she fought it with the best she could.

Her eyebrow twitched in annoyance when she heard several people screaming and wanted to tell them to be quiet yet she knew she wouldn't be able to.

Couldn't they see she got more headache with them screaming like a Banshee? Instead of screaming, why didn't they just shut their mouths and call the ambulance to reduce their panic? At least, give this female a rest.

If only… if only I was given a second chance, I wish that I could find someone that I want to protect like a sibling and I don't care if we're related by blood or not. Ah… I guess this is the end of me… bye, my world.

With that, Viorel released her last breath and let her eyelids close, falling into dark deep slumber.

Who knew such a harmless thing yet not-so-harmless at all could make someone instantly dead.



That was what Viorel could see.

Normally, she found darkness always suffocating but now she didn't know that darkness could be so… comfortable. And added with the silence, she never felt so peaceful and relaxed.

I wish this will last long…

However, it seemed fate was not on her side for the reason that as soon as she wished that in her mind, she felt her body shaking. It was as if she was on a ride on the bumpy road.

《Affettuoso》|| Various! Slight Yandere! Brothers Conflict X OCWhere stories live. Discover now