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It had been two weeks since the day Wayuu lived with the Asahina brothers, and she had gotten along with them, especially a certain red haired boy and a certain toddler. Like how typical the love interests were in the show, they were, in fact, the kindest people Wayuu ever met. It made her sigh as she wondered if there was another person in this world she was now could be that kind.

If yes, then… she would come up to the person and say to them that she would be theirs.

But she was joking, just joking!

… maybe…?

Anyways, Wayuu headed to the kitchen and she stopped in front of a fridge, opened it, and took a bottle of milk. She remembered she didn't dare to take any food, snack, or drink in the brothers' wardrobe and fridge, and she was determined that she could handle her starvation. However, it was really embarrassing when she was near some of them, her stomach began rumbling loudly at that time.

Ugh, she wished she could storm out of their sights, go to her room, and bury her reddened face into a pillow.

As soon as they knew about it, the brothers had convinced her it was all right and told her to feel free to take it.

Wayuu swore she could feel her heart melt at these boys. What did she do to deserve this heaven?

After all of that happened, the little girl tried to be more of a help for them than before.

Opening the lid of the bottle, Wayuu brought the bottle near to her lips and she started to drink the delicious milk before she redrew it from her mouth and licked the corner of her lips. The jet black haired girl was going to stride her way to her room when the sound of footsteps caught in her hearing. She wheeled her head to where the sound was coming from and found herself frozen in her place due to a sight of a certain woman, who was trying to wear slippers.

Then the woman looked up and she, too, froze in her place the moment she spotted an unknown child inside her house. But soon she relaxed slightly, thinking it might be a friend of one of her sons. Putting up a warm smile, the woman approached the child.

"Well, hello. I guess you're a friend of my son, right?" The woman saw the child nodded silently, and her smile widened. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Miwa Asahina. Please take care of my son."

Wayuu, who had been gawking at the gorgeous woman, bowed her body frantically.

"Ah, of course…! It's nice to meet you, ma'am." Wayuu bowed and stood up straight before she decided to give the mother of the brothers a beam, which she didn't know if that was the right decision she made or not. Nonetheless, she then thought about it again; there was no harm in smiling. "My name's Wayuu Shirayuki, ma'am. I hope you don't mind me staying here for a while."

Miwa tilted her head. "Staying?"

Ah, shoot… she accidentally blurted out. Did the brothers not tell their mother that there would be a child staying in their house? If they didn't, then how was she supposed to explain about it to the woman? However, she remembered that she already asked them with regard to it, and they answered her that they had told their mother.

Okay, that calmed her beating fast heart a bit.

"A-Ano, your sons had allowed me to stay here, and they told me that they had told you about it…" Wayuu thought about what she just said for a second. "Or did they?" She mumbled, putting her index finger to her chin.

《Affettuoso》|| Various! Slight Yandere! Brothers Conflict X OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang