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Light blue orbs observed the play in front of her with excitement bubbling within her; Wayuu had never played a basketball from her first life -- well, maybe once or twice, but she only did dribbling as well as shooting and after that, she did not play it anymore since she found it boring. Then why would she like to observe the play? Just because she found something boring, it did not mean she disliked or hated it. To her, it was completely different if you tried to play something that you liked to watch.

When she watched the play, she could sense the tense, the adrenaline rush, the exhilaration feeling… it was amazing. And when she played it, however, it felt as if watching the basketball rolling lazily. Therefore, she preferred to be a bystander.

Wayuu was cheering for the two boys, Natsume and Subaru, that were playing in quite a serious manner. Rather than picking which one she should be cheering on, why not both? Besides, both of them were so good and Wayuu could not help but keep her eyes focused on the play.

In the end, Subaru was able to steal the ball from the older boy and he swiftly shot it into the hoop, surprising Natsume. At the same time, the little girl's cheering got loud as she clapped and jumped happily, congratulating the younger boy.

Subaru, hearing her congratulate him, smiled at her and came up to her while he tried to wipe the sweats that were trailing down on his face with the shirt he was wearing.

"Arigatou, Wayuu. I just did my best like usual."

A perfect circle was formed on Wayuu's lips. "Well, your skill seems to have improved so much to me. Good job, Subaru!" She gave him a thumbs up and a grin.

Smiling sheepishly, the boy's cheeks tinted in red as he rubbed his neck. "I don't know about that, but thank you."

"She is right, Subaru. Your skill has improved." Natsume's voice was heard, making the two look at the black haired boy. "And you must remember to maintain it and improve it further."

Wayuu batted her eyelashes in astonishment; was it just her or Natsume sounded… um, forcible to Subaru? Maybe she had misheard it. Anyways, she noticed that a tense silence started arising around them as the two boys were staring at each other with some emotion that she could not read, which the little girl slowly took a step back, another, and another, backing away from them.

But before she could take another step, the voice of the older boy was heard, but this time, it was not directed to Subaru, it was directed to her instead.

"Where are you going, Wayuu?" The said girl flinched a bit, catching a stern tone in his words.

"U-Um, I want to…" Her eyes darted around before they stopped at a crouching figure not too far from them. "I want to go to see what Iori-san is doing." She chuckled nervously and gave Natsume a shaky smile; she swore she felt a sweat trail down on her neck the moment she saw how intense the older boy was scrutinizing her.

Lately, the Asahina boys had been sort of… protective towards her. Ever since the 'falling from the chair' occurrence, she had been prevented by the brothers, especially the older ones, from standing on a chair again as well as… anything that potentially could make her fall. And even when she was going upstairs and downstairs, she could feel eyes were on her in an instant and watched her like a hawk.

Honestly, to her, that was really kind of them to… watch over her she guessed, but she was also a bit uncomfortable with them doing that. In addition, she had to be under one of the brothers' eyes everywhere she went. She did not know that a not too dangerous event could lead her into this -- somewhat -- troublesome situation.

《Affettuoso》|| Various! Slight Yandere! Brothers Conflict X OCWhere stories live. Discover now