Chapter 21

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The next day passed. And the day after in the same way. Wake up late, sit on the couch, stare at the wall for a few hours, eat whatever little Ivy could force into you, go to bed early, sleep, repeat. You were glad that it was summer. You couldn't even bring yourself to leave the apartment, forget managing an entire school.

It was the third day that Ivy forced you to spill.

"Y/N. It's been three days and you haven't told me what went down. And I'm your best friend. So I'm not sure whether to feel offended or deeply worried for you. I'm going with both. You are going to sit at the dining table and tell me what happened in detail . I need to know everything, because if I don't, I can't help you. And I want to help you, Y/N, I really do. And I've given you space, but it breaks my heart to see you like and if I need to bust out the gorilla glue and stick you back together primary school style, I will," she ranted at you as she dragged you off the couch and towards the dining table.

She had a point, of course. Ivy was your best friend, and like it or not, she deserved to know. You nodded your head in agreement and Ivy sat down across from you.

"I followed your directions. I went to the dorm and they were in the living room. I told him I was ready to discuss and the other guys left us alone," you started. Chewing your lip, you debated on the best way to phrase your next words.

"I asked him why he waited and he told me it was because the company wanted us to go public and he didn't want to tell me that part. I guess he expected me to agree, because he asked when we would do the press release. I didn't agree, though. I couldn't do it," you paused here to gauge Ivy's reaction, but she kept her face expressionless.

"He got a little mad then and asked me consider his career and then I asked him to consider mine and then he said that the fame and stuff came with being him and I could just leave then and then I said fine and to go back to his sasaeng girl and then he-" you stopped as Ivy gently touched your hands. You looked away from the picture you were staring at and towards her. She remained expressionless, but reached up a hand to touch your cheek.You had started to tear up without realizing. Ivy gave you a soft nod to continue.

"He told me that Jaehee would accept all of him," you signed. Ivy's eyes widened a little at hearing the name.

"I was surprised he knew her name and I was crying by then, you know how I do, and he said that yeah, he knew her name and that she probably didn't start crying at everything and that's when the insults started," you stopped there, not sure you could finish relaying the events of that night.

"Hey, Y/N, it's okay. What insults?" she pressed.

"I said that I wouldn't wait to say I kissed someone else and then he called me stubborn and then I said that at least I apologized when I did something wrong and then... he...." you covered your face with your hands, now fully conscious and embarrassed by how much you cried. But as much as you tried, the tears refused to cease.

"Y/N. Don't cover up your tears. What he said doesn't matter, okay? So what if you cry? It's human nature. And you always have a reason when you cry, so there's nothing to be ashamed of. What did he say, Y/N? Tell me, pumpkin," Ivy insisted, pulling your hands from your face.

"He... he... he said that at least he... he could talk like a normal person," you signed with shaking hands.

"Oh my god," Ivy whispered, dropping her hands in her lap. She looked stunned for a second before standing up and hugging you. "Oh my god, Y/N. I'm so sorry. That man is an evil jerk and you deserve so, so much better. I 100% understand why you were like that."

She released you from the hug and you stood up so you were eye level.

"However, as awful as his words are, I want you to remember one thing. His words are his words and you are you and you are so much more powerful than a few words. You are smart and funny and ambitious and perfect as you are and I wouldn't change a single thing about you, okay? Well, maybe your habit of leaving all your socks by the bed, but nothing else, okay?"

You gave a little laugh at her pep talk and nodded.

"Good. Now that you've returned to reality, we're going out. Go get ready. I'm getting tickets to the fair. Actually, you go take a shower, I have an errand to run," Ivy said, pushing you towards the bathroom.



That little fucker. I grabbed my phone before running downstairs to hail a cab. Within 15 minutes, I was banging on the dorm door as though my life depended on it. And, well, Y/N was my life.

A very sleepy Jungkook opened the door, mildly confused as to why I was banging on their door at 9 in the morning.

"Ivy?" he asked, taking up the whole door almost like he knew exactly what I was planning.

"Let me through, Jungkook. This doesn't concern you," I seethed through clenched teeth. He put his hands on my shoulders to try and stop me.

"Ivy noona, please don't. He's my family so this does concern me. And as much as I hate it too, I can't let you do this," he pleaded, tightening his grip on my shoulders.

"Jungkook, I am your noona and that means I'm older than you, so you listen to me. Let me through nicely and I won't leave any bruises that'll show in public," I demanded. He hesitated and I took the opportunity to shove his hands off my shoulders and shove past him into the dorm.

I heard him calling after me, but I didn't stop to listen as I barged straight into Min Yoongi's bedroom. He was lying down in bed, but sat up immediately as he heard the door slam.

"Y/N?" he called out in the door. I stepped closer to him.

"Guess again," I said, before swinging my fist straight into his face. He almost fell over on the bed, but caught himself with one hand as the other flew to his rapidly bruising cheek.

"I deserved that," he whispered to himself.

"Hell yeah you did," I answered, taking a step back and crossing my arms over my chest. "That was for trying to force her into going public. Wait till you see what I have in store for your other offenses." I knew this was just rage speaking, but Y/N deserved so much more than a soulmate who couldn't see past a minor disability.

"Ivy, please. I feel really bad-" I stopped his speech with a slap to the other cheek.

"You feel bad! You! That was for calling her out on her muteness!" I screeched, swinging my fist straight into his nose. "And that. That was for causing her to float around for 2 days while thinking of every. Single. Insult that has ever been told to her. You think you were the first to make fun of her? It's been happening since we were kids! Y/N has been hearing those words from bullies her entire life! And she trusted you! She trusted that you loved her personality, that you cared about who she was. But you broke her heart, not just by saying that, but by making her love you first. She thought you loved her and she loved you and she told me that she doesn't believe she deserves someone as good as you. That someone whose life was centered around music and rap deserved better than a mute. That's was she thought and still thinks. And as much as I try to get rid of those thoughts, the only person who can do that is you. You, Min Yoongi, are the reason that Y/N is afraid to love again." I finished my rant, lightly panting as held onto to his shirt with a tight grip.

"She said that?" he whispered, finally fully realizing the extent of the effects of his words.

"Yeah. And besides, what did you think was going to happen when I showed up? I told you I'd fight anyone that hurt her. Now, if you know what's best for yourself and Y/N, you'll make the right decision and leave her alone because I don't think she can handle seeing your face again," I said, releasing his shirt from my grip and walking out of the bedroom.

Jungkook was standing in the living room, probably waiting to deal with the aftermath. "You should get some ice," I told him as I left the dorm.


He didn't notice when the maknae entered his bedroom with a bag of ice and gently pressed it to his face, not really surprised at the bruises blossoming on his pale skin. All he could think about were the last words Ivy had said before leaving.

Min Yoongi wasn't one to make right decisions before, so why start now?

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