Chapter 27

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2 years later

You twirled the ring around your finger, a nervous habit you'd picked up only a few weeks after getting married. Yoongi had proposed in the most Yoongi-like way possible, of course, and you still laughed at the memory sometimes.


You rolled over in bed. Or, you tried to roll over in bed. However, there was a strong arm holding you very tight to a warm chest. Gently so as not to wake him, you wiggled around enough in his hold so you were able to turn. It took a solid 5 minutes before you were able to fully rotate and face the man you loved so much.

What you didn't expect, was for him to be fully awake and staring at you in the face. He smirked and dipped his head to plant a soft kiss on your lips. As he tried to pull away, you pressed his head back down for a longer and more fulfilling kiss. You finally pulled away, breathing heavy a little and it was your turn to smirk at Yoongi's flushed face.

I love you . You traced the letters onto his skin, slowly enough that he could understand the letters. He pecked rubbed your nose with his and whispered back, "I love you too." You closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of pure happiness and love. You suddenly felt Yoongi's arm hold you tighter and pull your body on top of his. You opened your eyes to find him staring up at you.

"Just enjoying the view," he confessed as he continued to soak in your face. You smiled and tilted your head down in order to create as many chins as possible and he laughed. "Still stunning."

You were preparing to fall back asleep, it was a Saturday morning after all, when Yoongi gently nudged your face with his nose. Half-asleep, you gave a slight squeeze to his to let him know you were listening.

"Where did your left hand go?" he asked. Sleepily, you raised your right hand and dropped it on his face. "Your other left, Y/N," he chuckled, not bothering to move your hand. Slowly, you pulled the correct hand out from under him and dropped it on his face with the other one. You felt him shuffle around under you for a bit and then stop. "Look at your hand, Y/N," he said. Blearily, you opened your eyes a crack to find a diamond ring on your left hand.

Not really registering what you saw, you gave him a thumbs up and signed "It's pretty."

You felt his chest vibrate as he laughed and you wondered if it was possible to fall in love with the same person over and over again. "Look again, Y/N," he told you. Sighing, you followed his request and reopened your eyes to look at the ring. *record scratch* Ring. On your hand. Your left hand.

You blinked. You lifted your eyes to find Yoongi's, which were looking back at you hopefully. You dropped your head back onto his chest and nodded vigorously, hugging him tightly to your body. You felt his body relax as he laughed and hugged you back just as hard. He lifted your face to kiss you and you kissed him back with glee.

When you finally pulled away, you held your hand up to inspect the ring. The early morning sun shined through the window and glinted off the silver twisted in an intricate design around your finger. In the center was a small diamond and tiny sapphires were planted around the band design.

"I love it. I love you. It's beautiful," you signed happily to your now fiance. Fiance. You decided you liked that word much better than boyfriend.

"Just like you," he said. You swatted his arm playfully.

"Yah. You're supposed to say you love me too, pabo," you feigned grumpiness. You swore he squealed at the face you made.

"I love you too, pabo," he said. You smiled and laid back down on top of him as the two of you fell back asleep.

First Words (BTS - Yoongi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now