Chapter 2

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A light tingle began on his right collarbone, sending a shiver down his spine. He instantly tried to look at it in the mirror, but it was far too faint to make out the words, let alone the handwriting. Kenma huffed, lightly brushing his hands over his collarbone, as though to speed up the process in an attempt to unbury the words etched under his skin.

He wasn't sure about the placement of his mark. While he could keep it hidden under most shirts, it would still be semi-visible. His only saving grace now could be if the words were something plain, something that people would never ask him about; lest they cause people to ask questions. He wasn't willing to deal with that kind of attention.

Those thoughts were all cast from his mind as soon as the words were legible on his skin.

Inscribed onto his collarbone were three simple words that only served to complicate his foreseeable future.

'I love you.'

Kenma felt his eyes begin to sting with the threat of tears as he ran his fingers over the words, memorising the way each letter curled.

It wasn't only the words that had that effect on him. It was the fact that he knew that handwriting, each loop and curl as familiar to him as though it were his own. He'd spent hours reading it, watching it being written, studying off of notes in this hand.


Kuroo was his soulmate.

Without any further hesitation, Kenma left the bathroom and raced down the stairs to make the short walk down the block to Kuroo's house. He'd still be awake - he was prone to studying until 1 A.M, and Kenma had a thousand questions for him.

He didn't knock on the front door, aware of the fact that Kuroo's father was most definitely asleep, instead letting himself in through the wooden front door with the spare key he knew they stored under the welcome mat. He crept up their staircase, pushing open Kuroo's door lightly, careful not to accidentally startle him in his entrance.

As he stepped into the room, he was keenly aware of Kuroo's eyes already trained on him, as though he had been expecting him to walk through the door right at this moment.

Which in hindsight, made sense. Kuroo knew Kenma better than Kenma knew himself, sometimes. Just in the way that Kenma also knew Kuroo; knew he'd be awake.

A smile stretched over Kuroo's face as Kenma shut the door behind him. "Nice of you to come to visit at an hour like this."

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