Chapter 10

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Oh my god, Keiji, the lights change colours!" Bokuto yelled loudly enough that the other patrons of the restaurant turned their heads to look at him.

Kenma tipped his head down, letting his hair obscure the view of the other people around him. Kuroo responded by wrapping an arm around him from beside him, further shielding him from anyone else's attention. Kenma was grateful for that.

"Yes, Koutarou. That's what the remote on the table is for," Akaashi replied in a smooth voice. Kenma had no idea how he was so constantly calm and collected with a soulmate like Bokuto. Perhaps the saying was true, opposites did attract.

In response to this, Bokuto picked up the small remote on the side of the table, pressing a multitude of buttons that shifted the colour of the lights fixed above them, shifting from red, to purple, to blue to orange. "This is so cool!"

Kenma sat, staring at Bokuto, watching his expression change along with the lights that they were bathed in. When it was blue, he frowned. Red, his eyebrows scrunched together. Yellow, he smiled. Purple, his mouth widened in a small 'o' shape. Kenma wondered if it was exhausting to be that expressive; he certainly would have been tired of he moved and felt in the same way Bokuto did.

Eventually, after flicking through every colour on the remote at least three times each, Bokuto settled on a green-blue colour. "Can we leave it on this one? It reminds me of Keiji's eyes."

A soft flush spread across Akaashi's face. Kuroo nodded, expression more serious than the situation warranted, and Kenma could only roll his eyes.

Double date night had become a common occurrence over the last couple of years of university. They all spent so much time together, Kenma didn't see why they then had to plan extra time together, but it made Kuroo happy, so by extension, Kenma was happy to go along with it too.

"How'd you find this restaurant, Tetsu?" Bokuto asked from across the table, eyes wide and eager as though Kuroo was about to reveal the secrets of the universe to him. Kenma leant into Kuroo's side to hide the way he smiled at that.

"You know me, I'm always looking for places to go that I haven't taken Kenma before. Otherwise he complains." Kenma straightened his back to retort that no he did not, but the shit-eating grin that Kuroo was swearing told him that he was trying to get a rise out of him. Alas, Kenma wasn't going to sit and take the quip, He lightly kicked Kuroo's ankle under the table of their booth.

Kuroo gasped in an over dramatic fashion, lifting one hand to his mouth. "Can you believe he just kicked me? I do nothing but provide love and affection, I work so hard to make him happy and- OW, Jesus Christ, Kenma that hurts!" Kenma had kicked him marginally harder than last time, but he knew it wasn't hard enough for it to actually hurt. So he didn't feel bad.

At least, he tried to tell himself he didn't feel bad. But Kuroo was still pouting at him, wearing a hurt expression that Kenma was officially struggling to tell was genuine or not, a product of his own overthinking. He had to cover his bases, he leant up and pressed a chaste kiss to Kuroo's cheek, a rare gesture of public affection for Kenma.

But it made all the difference to Kuroo, pout replaced with a soft smile, a pink tinge on his cheeks. That expression made the mortifying ordeal of public displays of affection worth it.

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