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Ingraine quickly jogs into the Inn, opening its two wooden front doors with ornate design. The party sees the lively and colorful interior of the Inn. On its walls, objects what're seen as relics are littered throughout while replicas of legendary swords and equipment are scattered in glass cases. A Band playing famous folk songs of the land on the corner, and a very active lobby full of people who had earned their keep as adventurers of the continent.

Grifvet immediately heads to the main lobby, excited to see the replicas of famed swords and equipment. Pierence with a slouched back, tired from the day follows him. While the two girls, Eattare and Ingraine, talk to the Inn's manager about staying with a Dragon pet. Bahamut, curious of the land's famed equipment and weaponry, follows Grifvet. She lands on his shoulder, her sharp nails scratches his armor's shoulder pads but nonetheless continues his excited walk.

"Pierence! Look! It's the longsword of Sir Caine!"

Pierence looks around and immediately sees a replica of King James Greatsword. A 1:1 replica of it with his shield on top.

"Amazing... look at it. This is the very sword that wounded the Demon King and killed the Great Mage."

"Here you go again about the tales of King James. He's powerful alright, but at the end of the day, he met his demise."

"I know, but I always wanted to become like him. Now, here we are, helping a Dragon God that possibly has a Master that's leading a Demon Army."

Bahamut who was with them defends her master.

"I assure you the name Dark Knight is only a mere title for my Master. He hates, but he never lets his hate takeover the value of life. He is a very kind man, a bit out there. But kind and warm. Though we Dragons need not the company of a human to have warmth as we have our scales and thick hide... when he embraces me, I could see the warm of his heart,"

"You say that but at the same time, being a Dark Knight means you've done some Evil things that go against the laws of nature and balance. He can be kind but he can't be named that without doing something that is reprehensible."

Grifvet leans into the glass case with the replica of the greatsword "Grentiea". The sword used by Sir Caine in slaying and driving away many of the Demon Realm's beings back into the darkness of the night and the dense forestry to the tall mountains where they couldn't hurt humanity. It's also made from the holy metal used to slay the Vampire King as he defended his stricken Queen.

"Pierence has a point Bahamut. Just want the kind of Master you have? I find it odd for a man with such a title to not have committed many crimes against humanity."

"If creating machines to make life easier is seen as a crime, then humanity will never see its full potential. He has his downs, particularly his lack of assertiveness at times or his nonchalant attitude to certain things, but I do not mind."

"Are those like the windmills? You said that it's for humanity right?"

"Yes, they created wagons with wheels that require no horse. They call it cars, the larger ones were called trucks while the long ones were called buses. But being human, they slowly changed to these metal beasts with long and short barrels. Calling them tanks and infantry fighting vehicles..."

"So your Master created these weapons?"

As they talk, the two young men walk to the other glass case on the left that has a replica of the golden longsword of Sir James and his ornate Shield with enchanted jewels.

"No. He didn't create them, the faction he works for does. He just oversees its creations."

"That sounds very Demon Lord-ish."

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