VOLUME 4 Chapter 4

293 14 28

The young blonde man was wearing a white Victorian Tuxedo, complete with a white cape and white boots. Extremely fit and handsome with a sprinkle of elegance and gentleness, he curiously picks up one the Spetsnaz AK-104 with a GP-25 underneath it still smoking from the fire.

"Huh, what amazing technology. Are these really humans?" His voice was so kind and innocent you wouldn't even think he was capable of such an act of cruelty. To him, Humans aren't even to be considered near the level of the lowest Vampire. Having no opinion of them, like that of a Man to an Ant.

"Might be smarter ones or another species of human beings, look at these magnificent machines! We must take this home as trophies and to be experimented on!" though a crass voice of a young angry teenager, it had a pint of softness to it. He was amazed by the metal beast with a long barrel and an inscription written "From Russia with Love." near the tip of the cannon.

One of the Spetsnaz soldiers was still alive, he wanted to scream from the pain of being burnt while in cover, he couldn't. His attention was suddenly taken after hearing footsteps crushing the soil.

"Wow, look at these ones, wearing Black uniforms. They look very inhuman, what is this? Seemed like some sort of a vest." The Vampire looked at one of the Generals Spetsnaz guard, while the other one curiously looked at the abandoned tanks. He tries to open the commander's hatch, but it's locked tight.

"Eh." He uses his vampiric powers and rips out the armored hatch like it's nothing. After opening it, a cooked tank commander opens fire at him with his sidearm. The bullets merely fling off his face's perfect cheeks. He laughs and grabs the tank commander's head, slowly crushing it. The Spetsnaz soldier still alive grabs his AK-103, slowly checking if it's still loaded.

*-CRACK-* The screaming tanker was silent, the Spetsnaz tightened his grip, saddened that he was unable to do anything. He tilts his head upward, checking for anyone else alive and sees many other Spetsnaz and Regular soldiers were still alive, but behind cover and some burnt and laying on the ground but capable of fighting, He locks eyes with one and both tilt their head in agreement of something.

"Ohhh... things are about to get exciting." The blonde vampire smirks.

"URRRRRAAAAA!!!" like shambling zombies, burnt and smoking men in full combat gear stood up, rushing the blondie who was standing near the main gates. The other vampire in a suit just watches as the barely alive soldiers charge the bloodsucker. Even with their bodies still steaming from the heat, their guns boiling and in immense pain, they perform one last valiant charge even with their Forward Operating Base completely destroyed and burning.

The Guard Spetsnaz was joined by one of Wolf Squads remaining members. Even with the power of ten or fifteen soldiers shooting at him with assault rifles, he merely shrugs it off. Teleporting and slicing them like pieces of meat one by one with his Rapier. As the final soldier falls, another one rises up. It was the General, he was holding with him a clacker.

"Oh, tough one aren't we?" The blonde man smirks at the General, still defying death.

"You fucking beast." Even with his skin burnt and boiling, he still stood straight up and still.

"I commend you and your people, capable aren't you all?"

"I'll be back, and when I am, I'll be sure to cut you open."

"And what's that small box gonna do?"

The General spits in his direction.

"Увидимся в аду, гребаный ублюдок." he clicks the detonator, blowing up the base. Taking with him the Vampires and soldiers that were still alive. The massive explosion could be seen from the shorelines. After the initial shockwave, the Vampires emerge spotlessly clean as if nothing even happened to them.

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