VOLUME 10 Chapter 4

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Landing in a noisy country village with flags and a circus of sorts in the town's outskirts, amidst the center of a snowy forest. The Pave Low carrying a VIP entourage immediately drops its rear ramps and a General with three women in expensive gowns exit out it. The small checkpoints soldiers all stood to salute as he exited out and breathed in the cold, clean and calm air.

"Yeah, this beats Iron Mountain by a mile."

A player in Multicam ACUs then walks up to him and greets the high ranking officer and the players stationed on the base in medieval clothing. Many wearing low class nobleman outfits with their swords slinged to their belts and without a gun or any modern accessories or clothing.

"Good Morning sir! How was the ride?"

"Rattling and noisy. When will the chopper be ready to fly again?"

"The maintainers will be doing a quick five hour check on her sir. She should be ready to fly in the afternoon."

"Alright and what's with all the fuss?"

"Oh, there's a Knight circus of some sort in town right now sir."

"Knight Circus? My Lord. I believe this is a Tournament."

"Tournament? Like racing?"

"Yes My Lord. Racing and also of Chivalrous Acts."

"Ehhhhh... Alana, have you ever been to one?"

"Yes, M'Lord. The Kingdom of Rose usually has three of these tournaments in a year to keep the Noble Knights to their toes. Though ours is far more brutal and real than the human ones as we can heal from heavy damage."

"Bahamut. Wanna watch?"

"Will there be food?"

Elizabeth then places her hand on her shoulder. "Yes Bahamut. There will be food."


"Wait wait, can we enter though? Don't you need a family or something?"

"Well, M'Lord... hmmm... officially you're not Knighted by the Minuits so that is indeed a problem as only my Father can Knight someone into the House..."

"Hah-hah-hah." With a high and mighty laugh, Elizabeth stands between the two of them as Bahamut's head peek out the back of Alana with a curious expression. "You've been Knighted by me though My Lord. Fear not! Maybe some of your already dressed men can roleplay a bit as part of the Bartley House!"


"Well sir, people here are already in uniform so why not."

"But first things first boy. Get your men into the color purple."

"We got a mage here who knows color changing magic. Right Davey!"

"Sir yes sir!"

The thin human player with a white wig and an expensive staff on his right hand stood at ease as the General patted his shoulder. "But what about a carriage and horse?"

"Oh, we have stables on the rear of the base sir. Please follow me. It's a short walk from here."

Looking down on the soil, the General's shoes would make a noise as the frozen soil was far more solid than the sandbags laid about on corners and on the walls of the tents. On the rear of the base is a makeshift stable made from wood and concrete. On the rear, one of the Horses caught Alana's eyes which made her run to it immediately to see the creature.

It had clear white fur and wings. The magnificent horse seems like it was meant to be ridden by a heroic warrior.

"I'm guessing this is yours?"

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