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  ❝Miss? Young miss?❞ Ji An called in an attempt to wake her master up, her voice trembling.

Xu Yang heard the voice of her friend and slowly slipped back into consciousness.

❝Ji An?❞ the young miss, Xu Yang, asked with a weak voice.

❝Young Miss, you're awake!This servant was so scared.❞Ji An sighed with relief,tears inevitably falling down her cheeks.

Xu Yang felt a sharp pain in her head and chose to lay on her back.

❝Young Miss, how do you feel?❞ Ji An asked, concerned for her master's condition.

❝I need some water, please. ❞

❝Yes, here.❞ Ji An quickly poured water in a glass and hand it to the young miss.

Xu Yang drank the whole glass and then gasped for air. She started to remember things and everything seems more confusing.

She died, but how is she alive now? She was executed by Zhang Wan, her husband, the Emperor. Did she got another chance to achieve happiness? From what she remembered, she got accused of poisoning his highness causing him to be infertile and got executed.
Xu Yang let a bitter laugh out.

❝Young Miss?Are you feeling alright?❞ Ji An placed a hand on Xu Yang's forehead to check for a fever.

❝Yes, yes. I am alright. I'm just hungry❞. Xu Yang replied, her stomach growling as if supporting her statement.

❝I'll go get some food immediately. ❞ Ji An bowed and rushed to bring food for her master.

Xu Yang, the only daughter of General Xu Ming and his wife, Li Jang. With two older brothers and a younger one, she is the third child of the Xu clan. A clan who's name travels far and it's known for their strength, a few daring to offend them.

Xu Yang was spoiled by her parents as she is their only girl, so she lived a happy childhood full of love from everyone around her. Everything fell apart when she fell in love with the crown prince, at that time, Zhang Wan, who she married using her father's influence therefore becoming the Empress. Zang Wan was cold to her, only using her clan's influence to get support and become the new Emperor. He never showed her any attention even though she loved him a lot.

❝What an idiot I was...Love does blind you. ❞Xu Yang pointed out with regret for enduring so much in her past.

Realizing that she got lost in her thoughts, she snapped back to reality and looked around, her eyes widening.

❝No, It can't be, please, no...❞ Xu Yang covered her mouth, her eyes wide.

She was currently sitting in her royal chambers at the Phoenix Palace.

❝Your highness, this servant is back with the food.❞

Ji An opened the door and gestured for the other two servants to rush inside with the trays of food.

After, the other servants left leaving Ji An and Xu Yang alone.

Ji An noticed the tears in Xu Yang's eyes and her concern only grew.

❝Young miss, are you crying?❞

When there is only Ji An and Xu Yang, Ji An calls her young miss like the old days. Ji An was Xu Yang's maid since they were little girls and they were like sisters.

❝I am alright, haha, let's eat, yes, let's eat. ❞Xu Yang forced a smile and sat at the table.

❝I shouldn't trouble Ji An, she's already working hard. ❞

Ji An was concerned for her miss due to her unusual behavior. She knew how much her Miss suffered in this damned palace as the Empress. She wanted to save her miss, but what can a mere maid do? Ji An heart hurts seeing her friend hurt by that heartless Emperor. He didn't deserved such an angelic woman like her Miss.

❝Ji An... ❞Xu Yang called suddenly, causing Ji An to snap out of her thoughts.

❝Yes, young Miss?❞

❝My mind is a little blurry, can you remind me what happened in the past days?❞ Xu Yang questioned, her hold around the chopsticks tightening.

❝Young Miss and Emperor Zhang Wan married a week ago... nothing much happened yet... The heartless Emperor didn't even bother to spend your wedding night with Young Miss.... Young Miss cried and was sad... then Young Miss got sick and this servant thought Young Miss will die, this servant was scared. ❞ Ji An felt like crying, but she needs to be strong for her Young Miss.

Xu Yang feel deep in her thoughts. That happened before too. She was Empress only for 5 moths before being accused of poisoning his highness. The truth is, Zhang Wan was born infertile, she didn't do anything to him. His Imperial Concubine, Mu Jong, was pregnant at that time and everyone was so happy, except poor Xu Yang who felt helpless. Then another Imperial Concubine, Du Ki, tried to get pregnant with his majesty, but something was wrong, it didn't worked. Du Ki called the imperial medics to check her, only to find she is perfectly healthy and fertile. After more digging, they discovered Zhang Wan was infertile, but it was impossible since Mu Jong was pregnant with his child, the thing is, it wasn't his child. Mu Jong got pregnant with a secret lover of hers, a rich bussines man, Wei Zan. To avoid being caught, Mu Jong blamed the Empress, poor Xu Yang, for poisoning his highness out of jealousy and that caused him to become infertile. Zhang Wan already disliked Xu Yang so he accepted the accusation and sentenced her to death. This time, Xu Yang decided to get her revenge and escape this hell hole and find happiness.

❝Young Miss, is everything alright?❞Ji An called her Miss who was staring at her food for quite some time.

❝Ah! Yes, I was thinking about something. Sorry to worry Ji An, I apologize. ❞Xu Yang laughed a little and finished her food.

After eating, Xu Yang changed with Ji An's help and took a stroll in her garden, near the pond.

What should Xu Yang do now... she is married for a week. In 5 months she would be accused of poisoning his highness and killed, how could she avoid that? Also what's to do with Mu Jong? In a month there is a banquet for Empress Dowager's birthday and she needs to be there, last time she didn't went because she was too heartbroken, but this time will be different, she needs to do something so save herself and live a longer life.

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