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Two days passed and Empress Dowager and Xu Yang were having tea in Empress Dowager garden.

❝What did you said, child? Divorce? I can't believe, I'm going to faint... ❞she said leaning back putting a hand on her heart.

❝Your majesty, should I call the Imperial doctor?❞ Xu Yang asked.

❝No need. Why do you want to divorce? You know how the people look at divorce... Child you're ruining your youth. I'll talk to my son and he'll treat you better, I promise. Marriage has ups and downs, everything will be fine. ❞

❝I'm sorry, mother, but I don't want to be married to his majesty anymore. Even if he starts to treat me better, nothing will change, I hate his majesty with my whole being.❞ Xu Yang said honest.

❝But why? Is it because he treats you cold? Or because he chose to spend his time with the concubines? You know how men are... you are his official wife, no one will look down on you, child... ❞

❝I came to ask you to help me,your majesty, but it's alright if you don't, I understand. Please excuse me. ❞

Xu Yang excused herself and left. Empress Dowager rushed to Zhang Wan's study room where he currently was, and barged in without announcing herself.

❝Mother? Why are coming in like this?❞

❝What did you did, son? I've always told you to pay attention to all your women so there won't be problems, but when you listen to me! ❞

❝What are you taking about?❞ Zhang Wan asked puzzled.

Empress Dowager was angry at him.

❝Xu Yang wants a divorce, that's the problem!❞

Zhang Wan's face fell.

❝What did you said? The Empress told you she wants a divorce? ❞

❝Yes, this morning at tea, she asked me to help her get a divorce. What did you did to anger her?❞

❝I can't believe it, she wants a divorce?❞

Zhang Wan rushed to Phoenix Palace where Xu Yang was eating snacks in her inner yard looking at servants who feed the koi fish in the pond.

❝Empress!❞ Zhang Wan shouted.

❝Greeting to you-❞

❝What is mother saying about a divorce? Are you crazy?❞

When Zhang Wan heard what his mother told him he was angry and hurt. In the past days he came to the conclusion he wants to get closer to Xu Yang, he started to like her new side. He felt anxious after hearing she wants to divorce him.

❝Crazy? I don't think I am, your highness.❞

❝Why do you want a divorce? I understand I didn't treated you like a loving husband, but I never mistreated you, so why? Didn't you married me because you love me? ❞

❝Loved you, your highness, but feelings change. And now, my feelings for you are no more.❞

❝What changed that? It's been only two months since we got married.❞

Xu Yang looked up at Zhang Wan and was surprised to see the hurt look on his face. She felt like she is doing something wrong, but then she remembered the pain she felt in past while being tortured and killed by him thanks to Mu Jong.

❝Is it too hard to believe? I don't want to be married to your majesty anymore. Or do you think you're so high and mighty and that everyone adores you and being your wife should be an honor?❞

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