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It was early in the morning, but Xu Yang woke up due to a headache.

❝Ji An!❞Xu Yang called getting out of bed slowly.

❝Yes, miss?❞ Ji An immediately came in to the room and saw her miss's pale face. ❝Miss, are you sick?❞

My head hurts, can you make some headache medicine?

❝Yes, immediately, Miss.❞ Ji An rushed out of the room to prepare the medicine.

Xu Yang sat on her bed looking outside as the sun was slowly raising.
"Beautiful " she though smiling a little.

❝Here, Miss. ❞Ji An came in and helped Xu Yang take the medicine. ❝I will go tell the kitchen to prepare your breakfast. ❞

❝Miss, you have three letters arrived this morning from Saju.❞ Jiang Meng said holding the papers in his hands.

❝Give them to me.❞ Xu Yang positioned herself more comfortable in her bed.

She was dressed in her nightgown, her black hair loose falling on her shoulders and back, a little messy, but very pretty. Jiang Meng was taken back by the sight and froze for a moment, but woke up when hearing his name called.

❝Are you feeling alright, Jiang Meng?❞

❝Yes, I'm sorry miss, I was lost in track. Here.❞

He gave Xu Yang the three letters and stepped back a little, still looking at her. One of the letters was in a gold envelope, the second one was in a red one and the third in a purple one. She opened the golden one unfolding the paper and saw Mi An's sigil at the bottom on the paper and smiled.
"How beautiful" Jiang Meng thought looking at her sleepily smile.

"My dear friend,
I hope you're doing good here and I already miss you. I'm planning on visiting Xuan soon so prepare for that, hehe. Did you found a plan about your divorce? Don't forget to ask me for help if you need it, I will be very mad if you don't ask for my help if you need. I can't wait to see you again soon, take care of yourself."

Xu Yang smiled once more, feeling grateful for having such a good friend.

❝Is it good news, miss?❞ Jiang Meng asked.

❝Yes, very good indeed.❞

❝That's amazing Miss.❞

Xu Yang nodd her head and chose the purple envelope next.

"To her majesty, the Empress,
This lowly one used to money her majesty have me to renovate and repare the shop, I hired three young kids to help around and business is going good, her majesty, the Queen, helped the shop by providing clients. Your majesty can come collect the money in three weeks time. This one hopes your majesty is healthy and doing well.

Your trusted servant,
Du Han. "

❝Very good.❞ Xu Yang smiled satisfied.

❝More good news, miss?❞ Jiang Meng asked curious.

❝Yes, yes, the shop I bought in Saju is doing well, in three weeks I will have to send you to collect the money. ❞

❝Congratulations, Miss. This servant with take care of the task.❞

Xu Yang opened the red letter.

"To her majesty, Xu Yang
As I told you I took care of the tea house, business is going well and money aren't going to be a problem. Some of the customers heard our tea shop is owner by a extremely beautiful and misterios woman, some think she is a goddess so they come daily hoping they would see the owner. I wonder where they got that information from, hehe. You can send the young man for the money in three weeks. Oh, a little birdie told me a certain Empress asked the Emperor for a divorce and it didn't end well. If you ever want to ruin the marriage with an affair you know where I live, those rumors about the tea shop owner being a goddess aren't far from the truth. Take care of yourself, your majesty.

Your most amazing subject,
Wei Jin. "

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒎𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now