Fun times!

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You sigh as you head up to your apartment with groceries in hand. Your boyfriend, Garcello, was waiting to help put them away. You didn't want him overworking himself. He was rather fragile, even if he was only 26. He lived with you and he insisted on helping around the house but you declined. You got into your apartment, grunting.

"You need help?" Came his concerned voice as he came around the corner. He had a green apple sucker in his mouth.

You had managed to get him to stop smoking so he turned his attention to food and suckers. Sometimes he would even partake in pot, which you didn't mind too much. He had gained some weight as a result of the eating, which you didn't mind either. It made him plush and lovely to cuddle.
"No no I've got it hun." You assured him. He gulped and walked with you as you carried the groceries to the kitchen.

When you set the groceries down, you noticed he was only in sweatpants. You raised an eyebrow at him.

"It's hot..." He said when he saw the look you gave him.

You smiled and hugged him. "My big ole teddy bear.." You cooed.

His face turned red and he ran a hand through his hair. "Jeez..." He smiled softly.

He loved and adored the praises he got from you. He couldn't get enough of them but didn't want to keep asking for them because feared he would ask too much and you wouldn't want to do it for him.

"Such a fluffy boy now." You cooed to him, gently rubbing his belly.

He also adored your physical affection. Sometimes he feared his body was a bit too big for you, no matter how much you assured him that you loved him no matter his body type. He remembered how skinny he was when he first came to live with you over a year ago, when he still smoked and barely ate. You weren't having any of it so the day you weaned him off of the cigarettes, you immediately turned him to food to build up his body weight. If he got the urge to smoke, you managed to get him some pot. It would take some getting used to but it was definitely better than smoking tobacco.

Garcello immediately got to work on getting the groceries put away when he got out of your hug. You went to put on some house clothes, planning to spend the day spoiling your boyfriend. Garcello could still feel the ghostly apparition of your touch from moments ago and it really lit a fire in him. He loved how much you spoiled him but he never really got the chance to spoil you since you were so afraid of him hurting himself. He decided he would change things up a bit today as he put away cans of food.

Soon you came out in a tank top and some shorts. You weren't the skinniest person in the world but Garcello absolutely adored feeling your skin against his so he liked you in revealing clothing. Garcello was finishing up with the groceries when he saw you. He smiled softly and went up to you, hugging you close. You smiled, enjoying his warmth. He then caught you off guard when he suddenly lifted you up.

"G-Garcello you're gonna hurt yourself! Put me down!" You squeak.

"Babe, you could never hurt me..." he cooed, walking to the couch with you in his arms, bridal style.

He sat on the couch with you, setting you in his lap. He held you close and nuzzled your neck, humming. You blushed but wrapped your arms around him anyway, your legs on either side of his waist. You played with his hair, smiling softly.

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