Hey uh... yeesh

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I won't drag this on for long. I am having iffy feelings about continuing this story when I get my computer back. For those of you who don't know, Rageminer was recently outed as a fat fetishizer. I was in their server and everyone dismissed it as just a simple preference. But what they dont understand is that a fetish and a preference are two totally different things. As an overweight person, I no longer felt safe in the same server with them and I had to leave. I was hurt seeing the people I had fun with had such terrible and harsh ways of thinking. I don't know if I have the will to continue personally. But tell me what you guys think. Can this one shot book still be salvaged? Or should I stop it, because of what happened? I'm very hurt to hear that from rageminer and the people closest to them. I hope you guys can understand where I'm coming from and why I may be apprehensive about continuing... Until next time my friends!

Garcello X Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now