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Waking up was a start that I mostly dread. The sun usually shines brightly through my window and would cast a light onto my eyelids, forcing me to wake. I'd also have to get out of the comfortable sheets of my bed and go start the day or else Momma would have be mad.

I carefully removed my sheets and made my way to the bathroom getting a warm shower ready. Once the water had hit my frame, it felt as comforting as it did all the times before. I quickly finished and stepped out the shower and started getting ready for whatever this day had in store.

"Alluka! Breakfast is almost ready!" Momma called out, "You better get ready or else your food is going to get cold," I quickly pulled my shirt down and walked through the hall to see Momma softly humming to herself while making a typical Japanese breakfast. "Do you have anything important to do today, Momma?" I said. "Besides tending to the field and doing my daily errands, I'm free," Momma smiled.

I asked, "Does this mean we can go explore the forest?!" Momma thought for a second, "After we finish breakfast and my errands then we'll see what we can do," A wide grin spread triumphantly on my face. "Well before you go and run off, can you set the table, please?" I hastily nodded and went to the cabinets that stored the plates and utensils. "Bring two plates here also!" Momma tasked.


"Itadakimasu!" I said as I started eating. "Slow down! You'll choke on your food if you eat too fast!" Momma warned. Immediately, I started choking on my food. Momma put a hand on my back and handed me a glass of water. "There, is that better?" Momma asked as she pulled away the cup. I nodded and continued on eating, this time slower. "You can eat the daifuku from yesterday after you're finished,"


Breakfast finished quickly and Momma went to clean the dishes while I went off into my room to do whatever I pleased. Opening the door of my room, I spotted one of my dolls on the ground. "I don't remember putting that there?" I walked over to grab it, but before I could. The scenery changed.

Instead of the warm feeling of home, it was replaced by a feeling of strong aura being emitted.

"So we finally meet," said a females voice. I looked around frantically, "Wha- who said that?" The voice spoke again, "You need not worry. I mean no harm," I turned around, but instead of facing thin air, I was met with a pale face with pitch black sclerae, iris, and mouth, with a figure that looked identical to mine. I took a few steps back. "Who are you? What do you want from me?" I asked. "You may call me whatever you please. And to answer your other question," the mysterious female said, "I wish nothing from you besides being a host for my spirit and power,"

I stared at her quizzically,"Spirit? Power? I- I don't think I understand," The so-called spirit sighed, "That is understandable. You are just a mere child," The female looked down, "Very well. It seems like I'd have to go on and explain the concept of the jujutsu world," My mouth hung open, "Ju- jutsu?" And so, the spirit went on and explained how she was a cursed spirit that was made out of the negative energy of other people, and other parts from the world of jujutsu that seemed important enough to explain to her young hosts mind.

"My technique is simply wish granting. It allows me to grant a wish for anyone if three conditions are met," She explained, "Although it seems simple it is quite dangerous. Like if someone asks me to be their loyal subject, I'd have to grant anything they wish for,"
(Foreshadowing?? 👀)

"Woahhh!" I said, "Granting wishes? That sounds amazing!" The cursed spirit shook her head, "As I said before, it can be used for evil. That is why my last host got killed. He kept exploiting my power for his own good and got himself executed for it," I was completely baffled. "B- but, why would he do something like that? Doesn't he know that it's a bad thing?" The spirit put a hand on the other females shoulder. "This is the reality, child. People do this for their needs and greediness,"

I thought for a moment, a frown evident on my face. "Then what about this? You can stay in my body however long you like and I won't e- exploy your power!" I suggested. "Exploit, you mean. Then, you are suggesting a pact then?" I nodded, "If that makes you happy, then yeah!" The cursed spirit held out her hand, "Very well. A pact it is," I smiled happily. "Then I'll name you- uh. Nanika!"

Once our hands connected, a blinding light came over my eyes. Forcing me to shut them. "Your mother will get suspicious if she sees you standing in your room like that. For now, I'll see you later," When my eyes opened, I saw myself still reaching down to the doll. "Hm," This time, when I reached down I was able to grab it without difficulty. Instead of putting it away, like my original idea. I decided to pay some attention to it and play with it.

When dinner time came around, I helped Momma (like usual) and began eating once the food was served. 'You know, you some have potential, right?' Nanika spoke from my head. I stopped my chewing. 'Huh? How are you able to speak? And what do you mean?'

'The black...substance. That's your cursed technique. Your family doesn't seem like sorcerers, so it is most likely you created a innate technique.' Nanika helpfully explained, while I resumed chewing. 'It seems more complicated than what you actually showed. With enough training, I think you can do something with it.' That was all Nanika said before it became quiet. "Alluka, are you okay? You kinda spaced out there," Momma asked. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine!" I reassured. Momma seemed to buy that, as she continued her dinner.

'Hey! Wait, you still haven't explained to me how you can still talk to me like that!'






I jolted awake. 'What was that for?!' I screamed in my mind. 'Look in that dark corner.' I silently did as told. 'Now concentrate on that tug in your gut' I stared intently at the corner until I felt the tug and moved the darkness at will. "Ooh!" I said.

'Shush! Too loud and you'll wake your mother' I slapped a hand onto my mouth, but continued to move the darkness. 'I see now. Your technique is based off of shadows. Kinda like a cooler version of the Zen'in clan'

I moved the sheets off my bed and made my way over to the corner. Putting my hands in front of my body, the shadow morphed into what could look like a dagger. I wrapped my small fingers around the handle and stared at it. Somehow, the shadow in the corner got bigger.

'I'd look behind you?'

Behind me was a giant looking monstrosity. It had multiple eyes looking back at my with various deformed looking arms sprouting out in different places. I stared at the curse as all it's eyes studied me. It lifted its arm trying to seemingly hit me, though I had rolled away with the dagger in hand.

'Jump!' Nanika practically yelled. Luckily I took her advice jumped before it could swipe my legs. I turned around and threw the dagger into one of its giant eye. Thankfully it was nighttime meaning I could use the darkness to be able to exercise the curse.

In all the corners, the shadows molded into thick ropes and immobilized the curse. "That was scary.." I mumbled. 'You'll see scarier things than this. And besides! This is only a grade three curse' The ropes around the creature tighted until it popped into thin air. 'Grade three? Really?' I could hear Nanika hum. 'Wasn't there only 5 different grades?'

'Yup! I'm also surprised how your mother didn't hear all that'

I sweat dropped, but headed to bed anyway.

The ropes retracted into the darkness and dagger disappeared into nothing.

Luckily, blood wasn't stained on the walls.


A/N: Second chapter done! Tried to get it out earlier, but had major writers block 😅. Any who, Comment if there were any incorrect information or spelling errors!

I'd also like to say: THANK YOU so MUCH for the reads! It means a lot to me that people are reading and possibly enjoying this too.

Anyways, I'll see whoever decides to read this is, in next chapter!


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