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3 years.

It had been 3 years since I had accidentally murdered my one surviving parent.

Her death wasn't exactly registered into my head when she was gone. Not until the iron stench of blood filled the kitchen. I had no clue what to do. I mean, what was a five year old supposed to do in that situation?

Once one of your guardians are dead you are to move onto the next one right? So what happens when both die? What was I supposed to do?

I packed my belongings and left. That's what I did.


I gathered my largest kimonos and other clothing I thought was necessary and packed them into a sack for me to carry (Think of the backpack Killua was wearing in the Heavens Arena Arc). Next was something for me to eat in case I starved. This was a hard decision, I wasn't sure which foods were good enough to pack without it rotting in the days I'll be away. Not like I'd be returning to this place anyway.

I simply stuck with a few fruits and a canister filled with water and packed that away too. I walked to the front door and turned back to stare at the gloomy home. 'I guess this is it' I quickly put on my shoes, when I saw the gem encased in glass fall out of where I stuffed it underneath the layers of clothing I had on.

I heaved a sigh. I didn't want to leave, but what could I have done to support myself now that my only support was gone? Grandma Chiyo was a option, but she was already old and I doubt she could take on another burden of taking care of a child so she was already crossed out.

I stared at the door that was waiting to be opened, to be of use letting people in and out. Only this time I didn't think that anybody was going to enter this door anytime soon. 'I'm sorry Momma, Grandma Chiyo'


I took hold of the door knob and twisted it, slowly pushing it open.

Sunlight beamed through the door and into the now dark and gloomy home. I took slow steps, entering the hot rays of sun that was beaming through and onto the grass. I let the door slowly shut behind me and bathed in the light for a while.


Walking through the thick forest would've been fun if only I hadn't had the thought of Momma still fresh and in the back of my mind. 'You'll have to let go of her and move on. She's gone and there is no way to change that.' Nanika said. "I can't help it though, we had a strong bond even if she wasn't there most of the time. She would always come back around anyway," I mumbled, though I knew Nanika had heard me.

I could hear her sigh, but say nothing else. I continued on, encountering various bugs and other animals that roamed the forest to survive though nothing too interesting.

When I neared a village I stayed near the edges of the shopping center, try to not be the in the obvious. I settled down in a alley way and took out a few fruits to snack on. After the few days, my fruit supply had shortened to nothing.

"Looks like I'll have to get another source of food," I told myself. 'I think I saw a few stalls you can get fruit from' I thought about that. There were definitely stalls from where I was, but I had not got any money on me. At least not a lot.

'Stealing is definitely one way if your looking for money' Nanika suggested. I shook my head, "But stealing is bad. Even if we are on our own," Nanika sighed. 'I don't know, but stealing seems like your only option. You can practice your jujutsu as well'

I sighed, but did as suggested. I doubted the amount of money I had on me was enough to buy something anyway. I focused on the shadows around me, feeling people and objects move or be still. Roughly, I could tell what was what. By their shapes and sizes from the shadows around, I focused on a few objects and willed the darkness near them to be transported to me.

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