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"Who the hell are you?"


The birds around flapped their wings and quickly flew away. The orange fox got up from its laying position and ran back into the bushes, fleeing the scene.


"I asked who you were, brat,"

I tilted my head. Why was he talking in such a rude manner? I was about to answer before I looked at the mans hair. It was a vibrant pink gradient. "You were that man back there over in the village!"

The said man furrows his brows. "Answer my question brat, or else you won't be able to walk for the rest of your life," he threatened, lifting his hand in a threatening manner showing off his sharp nails and tattooed arm. In return, I gave him a closed eye smile and answered, "My name is Alluka! Who are you mister?"

His eyes narrowed, trying to read my body language to see if I was lying. When he found out I wasn't, he put down his hand and shoved it into his kimono. "Sukuna," his eyes held a amused look. Red eyes stared back at dark blue ones.

'His cursed energy feels familiar' I thought. 'That's because it is! He was the one man I told you not to encounter!' Nanika scolded. I pouted my lips moving my gaze away from the strong stare of the tall man. "It's not my fault we encountered him," I mumbled, Sukuna's eyes still drilling into me.

It seemed he heard me, despite that I spoke in a small whisper because he raised his brow while smirking. I looked down onto the pack that held all my important stuff and grabbed two apples. "Here! You can have this!" I smiled, handing him a apple, which he reluctantly took it.

"What's a child like you doing out here?" Sukuna asked, taking a bite of the apple. While I was halfway done with mine. "Is there something wrong with me being out here?" I shot back, throwing the core onto the ground. It would decompose anyway.

"Nothing, just with one swipe of my hand and you'd be dead," said Sukuna, his eyes darkening a bit of cursed energy spewing out. I hummed in thought, not really fazed my the mans words. "You're a strange one you know," Sukuna commented. I put my hand on my chin. "Really? How so?" I asked.

"Most children weep and bawl there eyes out at something they don't understand," Sukuna stated, "And you. You have done none of that. It's strange and irritating," Sukuna lifted the apple he held in his right hand while curious eyes watched him. Slowly, he added force until the apple that once rested in his hand exploded, the juices running down his hand.

'You're really testing our limits today aren't you?' Nanika spoke up. I ignored her comment and bent down to grab my pack, swinging the many straps around my arms. I turned back to Sukuna and held my hands together.

"Give me your heart,"

If Sukuna was shocked, he didn't show it. Instead stared down at the hands that were tilted up towards him. Amusement was dancing in his eyes. "What happens if I comply to you, hmm?" He pressed. "Then I'll request another thing until you'll be able to be granted a wish!" I grinned.

He smirked, "And if I don't?" He asked. "Then that'll be immediate death!" A smile etched onto my face. Waiting for him to make his decision. "I can wish for anything?" I nodded my head. "Yup!"

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