19. The Note.

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Scene continues...

Andrew's POV:

"I am not killing you now. Your death depends on the answer you give. Better choose your words wisely." He says as he clicks the hammer before sliding the slider of the pistol.

I stay silent, not knowing how to respond. He shoves the muzzle on my forehead and asks angrily,

"What happened here and where were you?"

"I-I don't know exactly but suddenly the alarms started ringing and then Melissa asked me to check on Ella. And I-"

"And you like a fool went to Ella instead of guarding Melissa." He roars and runs his left hand through his hair.

He is angry, and that too at another level. There is pain, hurt, anger, sadness painted all over his face. He is not himself right now. I can feel the heat radiating off him. He has never been so furious, and seeing him like this is completely new for me. He doesn't look like the strong Blake I once knew, he instead looks weak, tired, and broken. I know Melissa is very important to him, but something's off. There is more to his sadness which he is hiding.

He pushes the muzzle on my forehead which draws me out of my thoughts and I realize that I must say something before the bullet draws a hole in my head. I can't be lucky every time, can I?

"I locked the door before leaving the room. And you said to me that the lock can only be opened by us, I mean you and me. So I thought she will be safe and so I went down to the first floor but then lights went off." I look at his expressions which never change. He is absorbing all my words like a sponge and he will squeeze me like one if I say something wrong.
Choosing my words wisely, I continue,

"I called the security but no response. That's when I started running back to the second floor with the phone's flashlight. But before I could reach the second floor, I met him."

"Met who?" He asks in a dangerously low tone.

"I-I didn't saw his face. He was wearing a mask but he popped suddenly in front of me. I was taken aback and he snatched my phone and threw it before kicking me into the stomach. I tumbled down the stairs to the first floor. It was completely dark, I scrambled to my feet but he kicked me again and I fell once again. He stabbed me with the knife and gave me an envelope. After that, I don't remember anything." I sigh.

"What envelope and where it is?" He asks with a raised brow.

"I-I don't know." I muster courage and say. One wrong answer today and I will be dead in a matter of seconds. But I can't help it. I don't know where it went. All I remember is that before fainting I was having it on my lap. But I don't know if he will trust me. But I think he does as he pulls away the gun and tucks it in his back.

"Samuel, did you find any envelope near Andrew when you took him to the cell?" He speaks into the phone but his eyes are glued to me.

"Bring it to me, down in the basement."

Samuel enters the room with an envelope in his hand. He hands it over to Blake and walks out of the room.

Blake rips open the envelope and a paper falls down e floor. He picks it up and reads it. He looks insanely furious. The paper crumbles as he scrunches the paper with his fingers. The door slams shut as he walks out of the room, leaving me all alone.

Melissa's POV:

"H-hello, please help. I- I am kidnapped. I d-don't know where I am. H-he will come back in few minutes please help me. He will k-kill me. P-ple....." The phone breaks into pieces as he throws it on the floor.

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