3. Unknown's Text.

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Melissa's POV:

I shift uncomfortably under his soul-piercing gaze.

'O fuck, why the hell, first face I got to see this morning is his' I curse my life mentally.

He soon stands up straight and walks into the elevator, his gaze still fixated on me.
The elevator is not quite big. It probably can withstand a maximum of 4-5 people at a time.
And here I am stuck with him in such a confined space. He enters and stands beside me.

I shift myself more towards the corner not wanting to stand just beside him. I keep pressing the 5th floor wanting to just get the hell out of here. And finally, the doors start closing. I keep tapping my phone on my left hand in the nervousness.
The doors were now completely closed and the elevator starts to descend and my heart rate starts ascending rapidly as he turns around to face me.

'Now what is he trying to do ?'
Now, what more does he need to do for me to hate him. Yes, I hate him. I don't like him an inch. I don't want to see his face ever let alone be together in this conjusted small elevator.

'Why the hell is this elevator working so slowly?' I growl mentally fighting with my inner self to keep myself calm.

He takes one step closer to me after turning which makes my body temperature increase. I fix my gaze towards the ground not wanting to look at his stupid smirk nor the amusement in his eyes.

I could feel a hand been place right by my head at the wall and my hands involuntarily fall down by my sides for God knows what reason.

'Great! Now I am trapped between this wall and the devil. God, please lemme out fast, please. I don't want to spend another second with this guy please.'

My mind requesting for this to end fast but my life sucks as I feel his touch at my chin trying to lift it.

My brown eyes then meet his blue one but this time something was different.

My mind rambling through the different thoughts of the emotion his eyes held which I quite not understand or probably don't want to understand.

'Is it amusement?'
-O hell no it is not.'

'Is it enjoyment?
-No it doesn't seem to be'

'It's the concern?
-fuck no, why would he be concerned about you? Stop making yourself look important bitch.'
My brain contemplating the thoughts.

Now his face was right in front of mine as he bends down to my level. Adrenaline rushes through my body making my cheeks flushed red and drops of sweat start to form on my forehead.

'First, he turned around. Then he stepped closer. Now he bends to my level.
What more now?
Is he thinking of kissing me again?
Oh hell no, I would not let him do this time.
That day I was too tired to react to his stupid actions.
Now if he does I will make sure he regrets it.'

"Morning Mel, not ready for the class yet? Any problem dear?" He asks with a clear sign of concern in his tone.

'Oh, God! Why is he getting worried when he doesn't need to?
Why does his voice feel so heavy today?
There's no amusement in his eyes like I saw during our first encounter and it's like he is completely a new person.'

I think of answering him this time and getting out of this situation as soon as possible.
I open my mouth to say and suddenly the door of the elevator opens.

'Hurrah! I think God is on my side today. Thank you so much God!' my inner self dancing this time.

But unfortunately, I was still trapped between him and the wall. Before the door closes back again locking me with this idiot once again I speak.

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