4. Threatened

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We take notice of our schedule.

First-class (8:00 to 11:00)
Anatomy (Main building, 101)

Second class (11:30 to 1:00)
Physical Training (Basketball court, Sport's building)

-Lunchtime- ( 1:00 to 2:00)

Third class ( 2:00 to 4:00)
Physiology ( Main building, 308)

Fourth class (4:30 to 6:15)
Biochemistry ( main building, 504)

"Such a hectic schedule! Oh no! Our heads will crack for sure studying so much." Ella groans in frustration.

"Let's complain later. Now run, for our life. It's already 8:20." I cry out while pulling her arm.

We both run towards the Main building. We enter the building and hurries towards the anatomy department which was situated on the left side.
Our running comes to a halt as I read room 101 written in big bold letters on the wooden door as soon as I enter into anatomy department.

I put my hands on my knees due to all of the panting.

"Huh! Let's go, Ella." I huff while looking at her.

She simply nods and I knock on the door and open the door, slightly peeping into the classroom.

'Prepare yourself for the worst Mel. You are so dead today.' my mind scaring me off.

I peep my head in the room to find a table for the professor I think and 2 huge tables with around 10 chairs one for each of us arranged in 2 rows. That is 5 in each row around one huge table. I enter the room now and glance around the room and to my luck, there wasn't anyone in except for one person sitting in the corner near the window. I never want to see him but now I have to for the rest of my years here in London.
I don't have any choice. I am stuck with him.

I don't know when my mouth involuntarily speaks out his name which makes his attention turn towards me.

'Why do you have to call out his name? He looked busy on his phone. If you would not have called him, he won't have seen you. Now you are the sole reason for what's going to happen next.' I curse myself.

His eyes lit as he looks at me. He gets up from the chair. And with slow steps walk towards me.
He stops right in front of me with both his hands in his pocket now. If I say he's looking damn hot would not be wrong.

'Stop Mel! Don't forget that there's an evil residing behind his handsome face.'

"Hey, Beautiful! We meet again huh!" He speaks enthusiastically with a smirk on his face.

He tugs a strand of my hair behind my left ear while staring me up and down. His fingers lightly brush my earlobe while doing so.

'Oh, God! Why did I not tie my hair into a ponytail or some bun? If I would have tied then I would not have to feel his touch back on my body.'

"Mel, who is this handsome? Do you know each other?" Ella raising a question while eyeing him up and down. And I could practically see her drooling over him. Only did she know how messed up he is actually.

Her voice makes me relax a bit knowing that this time I am not alone with this psycho and so nothing will happen. I open my mouth to answer her but instead he speaks and his words make me quiver a little thinking about how he harassed me on my first day.

"Oh yes, we know each other very well." He pauses for a second while observing me closely.

"We are close after all." He continues while taking a glance at Ella for like one second and then turns his stare back at me with a smirk plastered on his face.

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