B. 1 Ch. 13

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"Things change but one thing that won't change is the love within."

When I finished eating most of my thoughts had subsided. I put the plate in the sink then walked to the living room where I saw the king and queen on the couch all cozy. I smiled to myself watching the two.

 I won't lie their relationship has be complicated but they pulled through and seeing them like this makes me happy. But given that I am their child why not ruin this sweet moment. I sneaked behind the lovely pair on the couch. Whatever they were watching had their full attention. When I got into position, I slammed both my hands on the couch and yelled. Not loud but enough to make them freak out.

Mother dearest jumped high as hell screaming in the process, whereas kingpin just looked at her and laughed. I laughed by her reaction. She started cursing up a storm which made me fall on the ground laughing my ass off. I guess mother didn't like that because when I opened my eyes she was standing over me with a belt in one hand and a shoe in the other.

"How...did...you get that...so fast?" I asked trying to obviously catch my breath.
"The urge to whoop your ass as sunk in." Kingpin said. We looked at each other with straight faces then looked at my mom. We started laughing again remembering the scene that took place before.

I swear I tried to stop but this man kept saying little jokes which kept making it worse. Then I felt it, a shoe whoosh past my head. Them reflexes picked up after the first incident which is and will forever be on the internet. 

After I fully recognized it was a shoe, I starred at mother hela in utter shock. I jumped up as I see her slowly making her way to me. This lady as no chill. Like I get it I'm your child but you would assume that I don't being an adult and living the house will stop the hit attempts. I guess not.

"Come on now. Your husband laughed also!" I said paralleling mother hela in front of the couch.
"I can deal with him later you now." She said and was about to take off at me when a little human jumped down the stairs.

"MANNY! Great timing. Let's go!" I said and booked it towards him, picking him up and using him as a human shield. Mother would never hurt this little demon angel so I know I'm fine. The look on her face was not good. 

While my father was chuckling and shaking his head while going back to the tv screen, my mother was about to laugh but wink with a sly smile. She's gonna try to get me next time, fuck. As I opened the front door then put Manny down, he took off to the car and I looked back at the couple on the couch again.

"See you later my beautiful peeps!" I said, they said bye then I let to the car. I unlock it and Man jumped in the front seat which gave me a perfect view of his outfit.

"Copycat." I said helping the child put on his seat belt.
"I look better anyway." I laughed. This kid is a mini me and it's bad.
"Yeah right. Why did it take you so long, I almost died." 
"I had to put on my secret scent." He lifted his arm for me to smell and I did. He smelt like flowers. This kid is a try hard but I give him props. I nodded in approval then started the car and drove to Scar's house.

It was 3:10 when we pulled up. Man wanted to go get flowers for Rose. Why? I don't know, but he took so long just picking between two so we got both and mixed the flowers. Now I have one which I'm gonna have to give to Scarlett. Fudge stickers.

Both of us got out the car and went to the front door. I let Manny knock while I stood 2 steps away. I had my head down playing with the flowers at hand, when Rose and Scarlett appeared at the door. When I looked up my eyes instantly snapped to Scar's and for a solid minute we just stayed like that. All until Manny almost fell walking backwards.

I quickly put my hand on his back to keep him from falling. The kid is nervous and it's obvious. To me at least so I had to break the ice. I straighten myself and twiddle dum up placing my hand without flowers on his shoulder.

"Hey. These are for you." I said with a smile and handed Scar the flowers, she returned it which made my heart flutter for some reason. One of the best smiles I've seen her do, so that means she's in a amazing mood. Good. 

I squeeze Man's shoulder to let him know it's his turn. He smiled as big as he could and handed Rose the flowers. Man couldn't even get one word out as Rose rushed to hug him, which he gladly returned. Rose gave the flowers to Scarlett which made me laugh and Scar roll her eyes.
Man took Rose's hand and led her to the car. 

I gave him the keys as he walked by. I've taught him before how to turn on a car for the radio, nothing more. I know he's gonna want to sing and dance with Rose while we go inside. I grabbed the flowers from Scar's hands and followed her to the kitchen. I leaned on the counter while Scar filled up a vase with water.

"What's with the flowers?" She asked not looking at me but she does have a smile.

"Wow, so one friend can't bring another friend flowers while taking them to a place they know nothing about?" I said smiling. Scar just looked up at me filling another vase, she doesn't believe a single word.

"Man wanted flowers and couldn't decide." I said putting the flowers in the vases.

"So these are left over flowers?" That caught me so off guard, I instantly started to panic.

"What, no no no no no." I was going to explain but then I heard Scarlett laughing. It instantly calmed my nerves but I looked at her with a confused look on my face which made her laugh more.

"What are you laughing about?" I asked more confused then ever.
"I was only joking." She said while laughing. 
"You always give the funniest and cutest reactions." She continued laughing more.
"Ha Ha, let's go" I said walking away while Scar followed me still laughing.

She just called me cute. Scar just called me cute. WTF does this mean?

*Next chap. is Scar POV* :) 
*Most likely going up tm*

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