c h a p t e r - n i n e

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I sighed and woke up to an empty space next to me. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, opening the blinds to the windows of the penthouse. The room brightened up immediately as Ayesha walked out of the bathroom.

"Good morning baby. Jesus it's bright in here." She smiled, kissing my cheek.

I smiled and spun her back, kissing her forehead.
"You know how much I love natural light."

"Well I don't agree."

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to see her phone by her ear.

"Yes I know that the braised lamb is a decent seller but not enough to stay on the menu for the new restaurant."

I rolled my eyes and decided to just order us breakfast.
"Will business be apart of this vacation?"

She hung up and sighed, putting another smile on her face.

"Are you sure? Because-"

"I promise to keep the work chatter to a minimum baby. Now I'll order breakfast, just get ready."


I dropped my bag as I got back home after a long day of school. I rubbed my eyes feeling another yawn coming on.

"Someone had fun last night." Sobari chuckled, walking out from the kitchen.

I sighed.
"To much."

"I'm glad you got out though. It's been a while."

"Why does everyone keep saying that? Like I'm some hermit."


I rolled my eyes and playfully pushed her before sitting on the couch and turning on the Celtics and Nets game.
"It's crazy that they're depriving Warriors fans of three days of Warriors basketball."

"NBA teams do need breaks you know."

"Yeah, but that doesn't stop me from missing it."

Soon enough there was a knock at the door, me and Sobari looked at each other before she rolled her eyes and got up to get it.

"I got tea bitches!" Yasmine sang walking in.

Sobari chuckled and sat down with her.
"Do spill."

"Well, it's about our English professor."

"Professor Watkins?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Aw I hope he's not getting fired, he's a pretty face to stare at for an hour and a half." I pouted.

"Well..he's been fucking one of his students."

Me and Sobari's eyes widened.
"Oh shit."

"Isn't he married?" Sobari asked.

"That doesn't matter anymore." Yasmine chuckled.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Larissa. Short, white girl. Sits in the back, never even notices she's there type of girl."

"Not Larissa. She's so innocent."

"Apparently not." I chuckled. "So she like ratted him out or..how do you know this?"

"His wife! She came up to the school caused a hell storm then the Dean called professor out of class and some people saw him packing his room up before classes ended."

"Aww man. I loved professor Watkins. Couldn't he have waited until she was atleast out of his class."

"That's not it. He's leaving his wife for her!"

"Shut up!" Sobari yelled.

Yasmine nodded.
"And that's from the source."

"What source? Cause Larissa does not like you." I laughed.

"And I don't like her either, but my friend does and she's been spilling all the details especially the ones about them moving in together. They already have an apartment."

"This is so much."

Yasmine nodded.
"Just thought you guys should know why he's not going to be in class."

I sighed and shrugged.
"Sometimes you can't help who you fall for."

"I guess." Yasmine shrugged.

Sobari scoffed.
"I wish the bitch I ever catch Justin cheating on me with says that and she's getting decked."

"Damn Bari calm down. He ain't leaving your crazy ass anytime soon." Yasmine chuckled.


"Yes Marc, I understand. I'll be down there to be onsite tomorrow. Yes. Uh huh."

I rolled my eyes as I found myself back in the penthouse and back to listen Ayesha ramble on the phone with her assistant. I hadn't strayed my attention from her this whole trip but the second she could divert her attention away from me, she took it. I had let it slide throughout the day but it was something that genuinely frustrated me about her planning the trip and not even utilizing it.

"Can you please put the phone down?"

She put her finger up signaling me to wait, and I scoffed and stood up, grabbing the phone and hanging up.

"What the hell!?"

"This is supposed to be a vacation about us! Not about work! You promised me!"

"I promised to keep it to a minimum. This is the minimum! I have a lot to do Steph."

"I feel like I'm making you choose between your marriage and your job."

"Well then don't make me have to make that choice." She sighed, grabbing her phone back and walking into the bedroom.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, grabbing my keys and heading down the bar in the lobby.
"Can I get scotch on the rocks?"

The bartender nodded, pouring out the drink. I grabbed my phone and called the first person I knew I could vent to.

"Wassup 30."

I chuckled seeing his lightskin face pop up.
"Wassup 11."

He chuckled.
"How's the couples trip?"

"Uh.." I sighed, taking a drink. "It's hell basically."

"Damn. Is it the work thing again?"

I nodded.
"She hasn't spent more than an hour without doing something on her phone. Texting, emailing, calling. The calls are the most irritating part."

"Isn't that why y'all are on vacation anyways..to get away from that."

"My point exactly!"

He sighed.
"I get your frustration especially if your expressing them and she's just ignoring it."

I nodded again, letting my thoughts run wild while asking for another drink.

"Look, I think that you both just need to look at your problems and see if the compromises are worth it anymore."

"That's the thing." I sighed. "I don't think they are.."

"Just know that whatever you do, you have my full support for both you and the kids. I do want you to be fully sure you want to do this though, so sit on it for a bit."

Model; Steph CurryWhere stories live. Discover now