c h a p t e r - s i x

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"It's game day daddy!" Riley yelled, jumping into my arms.

I chuckled and finished tying my shoes, finishing getting ready for the game. We were playing Dallas tonight, and I was excited to see how we fared against them. I felt good, so I knew I wouldn't do to bad. I looked up as Ayesha came out the bathroom on the phone.


"Bryce stop!" She chuckled. "I'm just watching the girls, we're going to watch the game from home. Yep." She chuckled loudly again. "It's a girls night for a reason."

I rolled my eyes and kissed Riley on the cheek.
"Daddy has to go okay?"

She pouted then smiled.
"Okay. Have fun! Love you!"

"Love you too baby girl. Where is Ryan?"

"She's sleep. Mommy let her have a nap."

I nodded, kissing her once more before grabbing my gym bag and heading to the car. I don't even think Ayesha noticed me leaving.


"I don't date I get ate!" Sobari and Yasmine sang loudly to the beginning of the Queen Key song as we got ready for the game.

I chuckled and tied my hair into a ponytail.
"Sobari you sing that song a little to loudly for a girl with a whole man."

She chuckled.
"Hush up. I will always keep this bad bitch energy. Single or taken."

"Y'all done?" Yasmine asked. "Rome is outside."

Sobari nodded as they turned to me. I gave myself one last look in the mirror before nodding as well. I was satisfied with the outfit that took me hours to pick out.

"Great let's go before the guys complain." Sobari sighed, grabbing her purse.

We all followed her out to Rome's BMW.

"Come on Yasmine! You know I don't like bringing this premium car into the hood."

Me and Sobari stifled our laugh as Yasmine rolled her eyes and got in the car.

"Shut the fuck up dick." She sighed, hitting the back of his head.

We all laughed, getting into the car, and making our way to the arena. As we drove, the thought of seeing Steph again was the only thing on my mind. It was interesting to me that him and Ayesha had been going through issues, on the outside it looked like they were the perfect couple. Soon enough we were at the arena and we all got out. As we walked into the arena, Rome pulled me towards him.

"What happened last night? I went by your apartment and you weren't there."

I pulled out my ticket to hand to the gate attendant.
"Yeah, sorry about that. I got caught up at work. Someone came by last minute and returned a whole bunch of items when I closed. Can we reschedule?"

"I do still owe you Chinese right?" He smiled.

I chuckled and nodded.
"Yes, yes you do. Maybe after this?"

"If I feel like it." He shrugged jokingly.

I pushed him back and scoffed as we walked into the actual arena. We got some snacks then found our seats which were a good distance away from the court. We sat down as the game was about to start. The players were stretching before introductions.

"I can't believe we're actually in Oracle. I'm within reach of Draymond Green!" Sobari squealed.

I chuckled.
"I know!" I was fangirling just as much as she was. As I looked up, I noticed all the players scanning the stadium seats, smiling at fans. That's when I just so happened to make eye contact with Steph. He gave me a smile and a quick, seemingly unnoticeable wave. I smiled and gave a quick wave back.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and was meet with Sobari's wide eyes.
"Um, excuse me!" She whispered. "Did I see that correctly?"


"Stephen Curry just smiled and waved at you and all you can say is 'what'?"

I smiled and shrugged.
"I'm just a fan."

"Mhmm. You must've made an impression Ms. Victoria Secret."

I chuckled and paid attention to the court as intros started. Soon enough the game was underway and the warriors were off to a good start. Curry has started 6/6 shooting. The team was playing solid defense, but Dallas wasn't backing down either. They were trying their best, keeping their offense on par with Golden State. Eventually, the Warriors started pulling away with a lead causing Dallas to call a timeout. As the teams went to their individual benches, the kiss cam had appeared on the Jumbotron. It jumped from unsuspecting couple to unsuspecting couple until it landed on Yasmine and Justin. They smiled and kissed each other, causing the rest of us to cheer them on. The cam then jumped to me and Rome as our eyes widened.

"Can y'all bitches kiss each other!" Yasmine yelled with a smirk.

Sobari chuckled and also waited in response.

I shrugged and pulled Rome towards me, placing a kiss on his lips. He smiled and kissed back before pulling away as the cam jumped to another couple.

He looked down at me with a smirk.
"Dang, didn't know you felt that way about me."

I chuckled.
"Couldn't disappoint the fans."

"Aww. Look at y'all all boo'd up like us." Justin chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.


I took a sip of water and sighed. After I hit a three to put us up, 76 to 45, Dallas had called a timeout. I was putting on a shooting show, a good 11/12, with 6 3's made. I couldn't help but think it was because I wanted to impress London, just a little bit. The more I thought about it, the more I thought of how ironic it was that a woman that looked like a Victoria Secret model would be working there. I drank some more water, and leaned back in my seat as Kerr talked to Dray about some defensive misses. I looked up at the jumbo screen to see the kiss cam and all the unsuspecting patrons. Then I saw London appear on the screen and for some reason, my chest tinged a little at the sight of her kissing someone else. I don't even know this girl, why do I care who she's with. I tried to shrug it off but I couldn't..

Model; Steph CurryWhere stories live. Discover now