The Party

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The bright lights of the city whirred by me as I drove as fast as the law allowed. The moonlight glowed through the windows, illuminating my face. I had my eyes fixated on the road, cursing under my breath every time I hit a stoplight. Stupid jaywalkers popped out here and there as if they were asking to get hit. Pedestrians could be so ridiculous sometimes. I just tried to continue on, avoiding them. But despite all of this, the road was surprisingly devoid of traffic. But who was I to complain? If anything, I should be grateful. After all, I was late for the party.

As I drove down street after street, I checked the note I had written to myself. I had copied Jiyong's address onto it before I had left just to be safe. Soon, I had entered a more private neighborhood. As I drove deeper into the area, the houses became progressively nicer and wealthier. This must be where all of the rich men and women lived. Maybe someday I'd have enough money to buy a house like these for my brother and I. They were all so big and luxurious. That was something I never experienced, growing up in the lower class. My family wasn't poor, but we weren't exactly middle class either. It was a life of hard work and little privilege, but maybe it wouldn't be like that for much longer. Having a mansion and being able to afford anything I wanted did sound nice. It would make life a lot...easier.

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted when a particular house caught my attention. It was one of the few houses that was filled with lights. Tons of cars were parked out in the front and even with the windows rolled all the way up, I could hear the faint sound of music and people laughing. I looked down at the scrap of paper to compare addresses. When I lifted my gaze towards the house, I smiled in satisfaction. It was, in fact, the same address. I hurriedly pulled into the driveway, and squeezed beside a black Lamborghini. A Lamborghini? Who can afford a Lamborghini?

I stepped out of my car, and adjusted the hem my dress, making sure it didn't ride up too high while I was sitting in the car. Running my fingers through my hair one last time, I speed-walked up to the door, my heels clicking rapidly. I didn't even have to knock. The moment I placed my hand on the wooden surface, it swung open. I almost tumbled forward but caught myself. Looking up, my eyes met a matching brown pair. With a charming smile, Jiyong greeted me.

"Jae, you're here!" he exclaimed happily. Looking me up and down, his smile grew even wider and he said, "And you look...beautiful."

I blushed and teased my hair nervously. "Thank you," I murmured, "And you look...handsome." I examined him carefully, my eyes not skipping over one bit of him. His blonde hair was now dyed a dark brown like mine, and he wore a black suit to match. His masculine features and dark eyes just added to the overall appeal. His entire appearance kind of gave him a sexy look. With his hair slightly tousled and his deep, brown eyes staring right into my very soul, he kind of-

Oh what was I thinking? Sure he was attractive, but I couldn't think of him in that way. Not after the scandal. Those thoughts wouldn't contribute to fixing the scandal at all.

I jumped at his touch, and he gently pulled me towards him, saying, "Come in, come in! We don't want you to miss any more of the party!"

I slapped a palm to my forehead in shame. With all the other thoughts running through my head, I completely forgot that I was late! "Oh, I'm so sorry, Jiyong!"

"For what?"

"For being late! I lost track of time as I was getting ready, and then I-"

He placed a finger to my lips and shushed me. "Don't sweat it, Jae. There's no set time to arrive. I just suggested that you should arrive at 8. It wasn't required. Some people haven't even come yet."

"Oh," was all I could say, causing him to laugh. I let out a sigh of relief as he dragged me in. As he closed the door behind us, I let out a gasp in awe. His house was huge. Two spiral stairways led up to the next floor, which overlooked the first. Ferns and other plants decorated the main rooms, and beautiful paintings hung on every wall. The floor was actual marble, not the fake replica kind. This place must've cost a fortune!

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