The Future Looks Bright

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I quietly sat at the table in the kitchen, eating ddeokbokki with one hand and reading a book in the other. It's almost been a month since I arrived here in Korea. Life has been moving pretty slowly, and the days having sort of been merging into one big mesh of time. I don't pay much attention to the days that pass, so I would expect them to go by faster. But instead, they are excruciatingly slow. The only good that's come is that Jae-Sun has been getting much better. He can focus much more easily and doesn't get randomly get exhausted as often. I'm glad that that little phase was over. But I still need to watch over him for a couple more months, just in case it doesn't come up again. Of course, his disease will stick with him for life, but we can only hope that he won't get too sick at times. He seems to be to carefree about the circumstance. I guess I'm just too protective of my little brother.

Now, a new problem has arisen, and I've been thinking about it so much that sometimes I feel that I might get more exhausted than my brother! After a month, even Jae-Sun's money has been running low, and I need to get a job soon, before we lose everything. At first, it was just a little itch in the back of my head, but now it's the reason I have trouble sleeping at night. I've been searching the Internet for available jobs, but the jobs that are available don't exactly fit my interests. I'm becoming so desperate that I'm starting to consider my brother's advice about giving my job as a doctor another chance. As much as I hated the idea, I couldn't see what other choice I had.

"Hey! Jae Hwa!" My brother ran into the room carrying my phone. "Here. It ran just a minute ago. Seems like you've got yourself a potential job." He put it on the table and smiled at me before walking back to his room.

A potential job?

I swiped the screen to unlock it and checked my messages. I had received a text from my friend Kaori. Kaori Williams, my Japanese-American friend back home, had been my best friend since we were only 5-years-old. She was more of the conservative type of girl, but when it came to things she loved, she wouldn't shut up about them. This was one of those times. I scanned down her rather long message as I let out a sigh. I missed her.

Kaori: Hey, Jae. I've got some great news! So you know how you've been telling me about your need for a job? Of course you do. So, I was just going through my normal routine online, and I found a job opportunity that might be right up your alley. There was this blog talking about how YG Entertainment had been planning for a comeback for one of the groups. Word of which group it was hasn't been released, but there's enough information about a need for a new choreographer to create a dance routine for the comeback! And I thought to myself, "Jae would love to do something like this!" You would, right? I mean, you're obsessed with dancing and what's more, you can remix pretty much any song in existence! It's practically a dream come true! To apply for the job, the blog says there's an online application to fill out. The blog's name is Kpop Rumor, and there's a link directly to the application form. All you have to do is fill out the application and send in a clip of what you can do. Simple, right? I know you can get that job, Jae! Fighting!

YG wanted a choreographer? Kaori was right! This is a dream come true! I quickly turned on my laptop and searched the blog "Kpop Rumor." Sure enough, there it was. It said that Yang Hyun Suk had said it himself. Kaori was always on top of news in the Kpop world. I wasn't surprised that she knew about this. Scrolling down to the bottom of the page, I found the link and clicked on it. The screen flashed and a new page with tons of questions and empty boxes loaded onto the screen. I felt a sudden surge of excitement as I read through my questions.

What is your name?

Yoo Jae Hwa.

Age and date of birth?

25 in US and 27 in Korea; December 18, 1988.

City of residence?

Seoul, South Korea.

Love Worth Dancing For: A Bigbang Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن