Just Regular, Old Jae Hwa

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Sweat slowly trickled down my forehead and slid onto my eyelids. Droplets flew up in the air as my eyes shot open, splattering all over my face. My whole body shivered and with one quick movement, I sat up. I sucked air into my lungs but nothing came. Struggling for breath, I let out short strangled noises as I clutched my heart. Soon, I was able to regain a steady heartbeat and air flowed in and out of my lungs.

Just moments ago, I had been running for my life from a giant metal monstrosity. But now, I was lying on the couch in the boys' dormitory once again. The AC was now silent and everything in the room was still. I rubbed my bare arms to warm them. An extra blanket or something to cover my arms would be pretty useful right about now. But to my concern, I wasn't wearing the sweatshirt I fell asleep in. In fact, I wasn't even wearing a sweatshirt at all. Instead, I wore a gray, form-fitting tank top and black sweatpants that were a little to big for me. I wasn't even wearing my clothes.

"Oh don't tell me..." I murmured to myself.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. They really had to go there. But for a moment, I didn't care. Sure, they had known me for a couple months now, but they only knew me as the professional Jae. They had never seen me outside of work before. The unprofessional Jae. So that's what I'd show them. It was time to give the boys a little bit of talk back anyways.

After looking around, my gaze stopped at a door on the far side of the living room. My hair hung loose in my face, so I tied it up into a high ponytail as I pushed myself onto my feet. My feet pattered on the cool tile as I quietly made my way by chairs and tables. As I reached to door, I paused with one hand on the doorknob.

Pushing open the door, I found myself stepping into a short hallway. All the doors were cast in shadow. All but one. A faint, yellow glow seeped through the cracks in the door at the end of the hallway. I snuck down the hall, each step as light as possible. It didn't take long to reach my destination. Pressing my ear to the door, I heard muffled voices.

"...no denying she's good at what she does. I'm glad we found her when we did. Otherwise, we would've had to postpone our comeback." The voice was deep and rich, meaning it could only come from Seunghyun.

"But don't forget, she came to us," another said. That sounded a lot like Youngbae.

"That's true," a voice belonging to Jiyong agreed.

A grin spread across my face. I had no doubt it was me they were talking about. It made me happy to know I was appreciated for my beloved profession, unlike my last job which I slacked off on. Part of my wanted to keep eavesdropping on their conversation, but the chills running down my spin reminded me why I was here.

As soon as I pushed open the door, the boys went silent and I came face to face with them. The image of them was one I didn't particularly wish to see, but I didn't care at this point.

"Ah, Jae, what are you doing up?" Jiyong approached me.

All five of the members were half naked from the waist up. I tried to block out the sight, but I had already caught a glimpse of their toned abs. Much to my distaste, I decided to keep up the act and stare them down challengingly.

"Do you need something?"

"Yeah. I need you to put on a shirt, that's what," I simply said.

I let out a "humph" and folded my arms. None of them seemed to care about their skin exposed, except Seunghyun, who was holding a sheet over his torso. A smile formed on the other four boys' faces, and I began to frown as I realized that I had been staring a little too long.

Looking away, I blurted, "Hey, I'm just here for a sweatshirt. It's almost like I'm sleeping in the Arctic out there."

"Alright, alright," Jiyong gave in, backing away, "One moment."

Daesung reached over to a revolving chair and pulled a navy blue sweatshirt up off the seat. He called Jiyong and tossed him the clothing item. Jiyong caught it one-handed and forwarded the toss to me. I stepped forward to catch it and immediately pulled it over my head as soon as I touched it. I pivoted to head towards the exit but stopped at the threshold, remembering the weird clothes I had awoken in.

Turning back to them, I asked, "Did you, perhaps, change my clothes while I was sleeping?"

The room was filled with an awkward silence. But that was soon broken when Seungri snickered. I shot him a scowl and he quickly shrugged off my stare. Taeyang and Seungyun both turned their heads to look over at Jiyong, who guiltily raised his hand.

"That would be me," he admitted. I was about to scold him when he held up a finger. "Before you start to rant about it, let me just explain. Earlier, I came to check on you. To see how you were doing. You were fidgeting in you position on the couch and shivering under the blankets. So you see, I had to do something about it."

"So you changed my clothes?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't bother to get me an extra blanket or put on another sweatshirt instead?"

"Uh...yeah," he said, letting out a nervous laugh and scratching his scalp.

"Real nice," I stated sarcastically, "See you in the morning."

A few chuckles and shocked expressions came from the others and I couldn't help but smile at Jiyong's embarrassed face. That was a sign that I had done my job.

"What's up with you tonight?" Jiyong asked.

"Nothing's up with me," I replied, "It's just regular, old Jae Hwa."

"You don't say..." Seunghyun murmured to his bandmates.

Then, not looking back, I strutted out the door and back down the hall. My smirk stayed glued on my face. Once I reentered the living room, I closed the hallway door behind me. As I crawled back into bed, I chucked myself. To be completely honest, my cocky side wasn't 'regular, old Jae Hwa.' I hadn't acted like that since I was a teenager, but it had usually improved my chances for getting what I wanted. For instance, the sweatshirt I was now wearing. But despite the reason why I acted the way I did, it felt good to be my old self again. My work stole my youthful mischievous side, and I was glad to have it back. Pulling the covers over my body, I let my hair down and slid my eyelids closed.

So I guess I'm back to pumping out chapters one after the other. I finally overcame my writer's block. I hope to keep this streak and upload chapters quickly. This chapter, I wanted to portray Jae's cocky, talk-back characteristic reawakening inside her. I really like characters like that and I wanted to put that in my story. I hope you enjoyed, and please leave a comment for feedback if you've got any.

Oh, I almost forgot! If you haven't already, make sure to check out my Seungri fanfiction "Poisonous Lies" that I'm writing with TheOfficialVIP on our joint account BigBangisVVIP . So if you like a humorous and romantic fanfic, head over there to check it out. I promise, you won't be sorry for checking it out. Until then, buh-bye!

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