Family Time

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I woke up to the sound of a camera clicking, i lifted my head from Andrew's chest to Ace talking pictures of us. "Stop thaaaat, you'll wake him up" i whispered groggily to Ace, he chuckled as he put his phone back in the pocket,. 

I got up from the couch and started making for the kitchen, but before i got there a very smiley Amos opened the door, a smirk crept on my face as i thought of a way to disturb him. Ace had not yet noticed Amos' arrival as he was busy trying to wake Andrew up,

"i see someone had a nice afternoon," i said as i wiggled my eyebrows at Amos with a laugh. he looked at me with a death glare before he blushed. " You did  the deed?, didn't you." i told him now having got Ace's and Andrew's attention as they looked at us amused. he blushed but tried covering it up. "I'm giving you a two seconds head start," he said before he started chasing me around the house,

i quickly ducked behind Ace using him as a shield. "Alright kiddos time for playing is up." Ace said pulling me from behind. "This is not over." Amos said in a low but funny voice. "I'm soooo scared." i told him sarcastically 

soon enough Adrian waked through the door deeply engrossed in the book he was holding close to his face. "Hey nerdy." Andrew said as he snatched the book from Adrian's hands.

"Hey give that back!" Adrian said, not less than two seconds later they were both on the floor tackling each other. i rolled my eyes at their childish behavior. i went to the kitchen finding Ace on his phone, it was fifteen minutes to seven pm and my stomach was growling for food. 'Hey, what we having for dinner," I asked Ace. "Take out maybe?" he asked. "Chinese?" he nodded to my suggestion. "Guys, we are having Chinese food?" i yelled at the boys as Ace called for a delivery.

"Is he ever here for dinner?" I asked as i looked at the main chair in the dining room, knowing well enough it was Alex's. Ace looked at me with soft eyes," Well at times....." he trailed. "But most times he's not," I finished the statement for him, with a sigh.
Soon the food arrived and the boys dug in hungrily like gorillas.
I stared at it calculating the number of calories it carried, I had already taken too many the past few days.

"Why you not eating love?"Ace questioned.  "I'm not that hungry, I don't feel well." I lied. He quickly felt my forehead to check if I had a fever but I didn't. "Did u take the medicines the doctor gave you?" I did''. I answered truthfully.

Ace gave me an apple in order to have something in my stomach as the others looked at us worriedly.

After they were all done eating, Amos suggested we watch a movie. We all say in the leaving room as I made myself comfortabe in Ace's lap.

If only everyday were to be like that. I zoned out and before I knew it, I was asleep.

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