you are part of what!?

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I woke up to the sound of chirping birds and rays of sunlight that sneaked in through the curtain. I could have sworn i heard Alex in here last night. I stretched my hands and legs, for the first time in a long time i had a good night sleep.

I looked at the time n it was 8:30 in the morning. I drugged myself out of bed and opted for a bath today instead of a shower, today i was filling quite lazy. I filled the tab with water n then some soap, after some solid 20minutes i was done. I grabbed a towel and dried myself off. I walked into my closet and picked a comfortable but simple outfit, i took a simple dark blue off shoulder top that stopped just below my butt, n some black leggings, i also put on some black ankle socks, what can i say, i had a thing for dark colours.
By the time i was done i couldn't help but feel a little anxious, it was Saturday n i would be joining school on Monday. But what really got my attention were the few words i picked up from Alex last night
',i will make this right' i didn't really understand what it meant. A soft knock pulled me out of my trance of thoughts, i headed for the door and i was met by a pair of green eyes. "Good Lord what did i do to receive this punishment of having this dumbass here this morning" i said dramatically throwing my hands up in the air.
"Oh come on most girls would find it a blessing to see such a handsome face at any given time" he said as he entered my room n shut the door.
"What do u want Andrew" i asked him
"Can't a big brother come check on his sister in the morning?" He asked i gave him a glare "ok fine, Ace wanted someone to come get you up so that u can go for breakfast, n i said why not but from the looks of it u already have it covered"

"Okay I'll be down in a sec,". I told him
"Oh no u won't stay back, you are coming with me" he said with a sly smirk.
"Get ur ass out of my room I'm coming" i told him.
"Oops it would be a shame if Ace found out u are cussing" he said his smirk getting bigger
"Is that a threat." I challenged raising my eyebrows, "oh I'm so scared"i told him. Suddenly he was on top of me in my own bed tickling my sides.
"S-tooo-p ok- I'm coming w-ith you" i said between laughs. "Apologize" he said still keeping his stupid smirk
-Oka-a-ay I'm s-orry st-o-o-p." I said trying to catch my breath. He finally got of me, i shot him a glare as he gave me a playful smile. "I hate you" i told him as i glared, "Well i love u too sis" he said while slinging his hand over my shoulder.
We went down the stairs, everyone was already seated waiting for us. "Morning" i chirped cheerfully, there were mumbles of responses while i took a sit between Ace and Adrian. Everyone engaged in small talk while i  struggled with my food, the doctor had told Alex and Ace i was underweight so i knew i couldn't slip off the table this tym.

"So Kyla are u ready to join school with the hottest boys in town." Amos asked clearly boosting his ego which took me seconds to put down. "I was but after u said that I'm not sure, coz if u two are the hottest boys around then i guess the halls will be full of scarecrows considering u are one" i said n filled my mouth with food, everyone at the table burst into a fit of laughter ,as Amos pouted, "Nyc one" Andrew said between laughs.

Everyone got back to their topics, i luckily, finished my food and put my plate on the kitchen sink, just before i was about to go up to my room, Alex stopped me, "Could u please come to my office in a few minutes say ten,?" He asked i agreed but looked at him confused. I went up to my room, i headed for the bookshelf on the corner i took one of the books as time passed bye i flipped the pages not really concentrating. My mind wondered off to what Alex wanted, i sighed as i got up, i guessed i could remember the way since last i was there. I passed the wall of pictures as i got to his office.

I gently knocked what shocked me was that all my brothers were there i sat yet again by Ace n Andrew who were the ones i was closest too, i gave Alex a confused look but he shot me a reasuring smile,
"Michaela, first of we are all here because we love u, there's something i want u to have, he said while passing a small box to me. I opened it it was a picture of mom holding a baby, it was was me n a around the picture was a necklace it was beautiful, kind of like one mum used to have, i traced my fingers on the necklace and the picture. Tears filled my eyes, as i felt Aces Hand rubbing me knee in circles as a sign of comfort, "Why?" I asked in the smallest voice possible. "Dad wanted you to have it,"Alex began"Love i know this is alot to take in, but that night when mom took u a way it wasn't because dad cheated, but that was what mom was supposed to think, he wanted mom to take u away, he had to make sure none of you had contact with any of us, it was dangerous especially for you.

Dad was a prominent business man but at that time things were not going that well
He was being attacked from all sides n they were determined to take him down by all sorts of ways and their focus was on u." He took a breath while i socked in the shock.

"That's why he had to have mom take u away, all those years u were gone he had been keeping a track of u before he died but then suddenly we couldn't find u and mom anywhere, so he thought one of his biggest business rivals had something to do with it so he went to confront him, we waited and waited for him to come back but he didn't, we had police such for him, we looked for him everywhere we couldn't find him  because we didn't know where he had gone in the first place. After a few months i began taking over the business we tried locating u to get u back but we couldn't until that time we got the call to adopt you, we've never been happier like that day.

But before that dad's rivals were still trying to take down the company, we had to find protection n that's how we ended up, getting involved with a gang,but u shouldn't be alarmed because u are safe and yes we are part of a gang but not just any gang, just any gang but the Italian Mafia" he said

Just like that i felt as if i had received a blow to the stomach knocking out all the air i had inside.

Hi guys I'm really sorry i haven't updated in years neither can i promise I'll be regularly updating but here's something for u. I'm really sorry I'm just going through a lot rn i hope u understand. I'll try updating again soon but no promises. I love y'all's

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