a new home?

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The cop hang up the phone and entered the lounge room

i looked up at him with teary eyes. " Am i getting adopted?"

The officer knelt down to my level, "I know this is all very confusing dear, but......it turns out that u had brothers from whom you were separated from and now they are willing to take you in, they've filled in all the forms and the tests march so you will be living with them from now on." he said

"but i don't have brothers sir its just me and my mom I-" he looked at me with a soft gaze , "Sweety .... i know it's all confusing  for you technically i am surprised too, but hey are not bad people, we have done a back ground check and it turns out they are your blood brothers and have the right to take custody of you."

"How, When......when are they getting me?"

"Today, a social worker is coming to take you to the airport"

"Airport w-what do you mean?" "your brothers live in Italy "

"w- what about my mom" i asked, the officer sighed.."Its a bit complicated because we still have to finish our investigations but i promise we will take care of her and give her a good send off." he said with a tight smile

"ok" is all i could respond because of the huge lump on my throat and the tears that spilled from my eyes. The officer wiped away the tears from my cheeks and gave me a pat then left. i silently cried to myself, there was no point to live anymore

Some hours later that gave me time to come to terms with all the information i had received, the social worker came and took me to the airport, she comforted me and assured me everything was alright and that my brothers were good people

We went to the airport as she explained to me about what was goin to happen and to be honest the flight wasn't as bad.

The social worker told me that she would leave but she would be visiting at least once a month.i was still in fear, what if they were just like mom's old boyfriend, i shook my head to get rid of those thoughts and hoped for the best

i gave her a reassuring smile 'n' then she left . suddenly my phone started ringing. i picked the call slightly shocked because only mama had this phone number and it was only for emergencies and mumbled a small 'hello'

"hi Mickayla am here waiting for you" the caller said

"Who are you and how do you know my name ,i said in trying to mask my fear"i hang up the phone quickly out of fear

The caller called again as fear shook me

"Pls stop calling m.."i got cut off by the caller

"No no wait its one of your brothers, i got your number from the social worker handling your case am waiting for you here at the entrance of the airport."he said

"oh" is all i could say before he hang up. i stared at my phone dumbfounded before i could go and met him. i saw a man holding up a paper written my name on it but he didn't look like the men the social worker showed me were my brothers when i drew closer is when i saw a man oddly familiar leaning on a car next to the man holding the paper

my cheeks started to heat from the embarrassment .

When i reached the entrance i got a better view of him, he was dressed in some addidas sweat pants and a really tight shirt his muscles showed and he had a tatoo and must i tell you he was really good looking . He looked up from his phone and when he saw me he started coming towards me with a smile on his face. was he really looking at me?

before i could register anything he engulfed me in a big hug , i hesitantly pulled away as he stared into my eyes as if he was trying to read me , searching for something

"hi and sorry for the whole phone thing, i'm guessing you're my brother?" i said breaking the awkward silence while looking at my feet cause i was too embarrassed.

"yes bambina i am, my name is Ace, he tried reaching for me again but i flinched, he looked hurt but i didn't care

"okay"i said

"is that everything "he asked referring to my backpack

"Um-uh yeah" i said

After that none of us said a word to each other. We went to his car and he drove, we sat in the car with an uncomfortable silence . We finally made it. And damn this house was huge

then something popped in my mind

"h-hey Ace?"i called out to him


"Exactly how many brothers do i have?"

"Five" he replied

five brothers, five fucking brothers well, this would be....interesting.

As we stepped out of the car i looked around amazed of how big this house was.

When Ace saw my reaction he just smirked.

i followed him in."here goes my new life"i said to myself with a sigh


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