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"I'm so nervous" Haewon whispered, tightening her hold unto your phone while eyes only focused on the stage in front of them.

Today is the day of the competition. And Haewon is on the verge of passing out at the moment. She was already in her outfit and she, along with her team were also been dolled up since they arrived at the school.

Other groups who are representing other schools are also present on the big gymnasium, people and students who will watch the competition are also present and are in the bleachers.

"I'm nervous too" Gongmin stated. She's sitting beside her friend.

"I hope he will come"

"Who? "

"Jay" Haewon answered with a sigh.

"Yeah, you keep hoping even though you clearly know he has something else to do just like what you said"

Sometimes, Haewon just want to smack her friend for being too blunt or for having no filter in her mouth. But you knew better than doing that.

But really, back on the original topic, if Jay will come and watch her, maybe she wouldn't be this nervous, knowing that someone out there on the bleachers, is watching her because she is Haewon and not just the center of the team.

But even so, she isn't sure if people will focus on her in their performance. Because the fact that the both famous 'Patricia' and 'Hana' are also part of the team, it's just so impossible.

Haewon is even confused as to why Mr Jung, the choreographer, chose her to be the center instead of those two famous and amazing dancers.

"Have you texted him? " Gongmin asked after a few minutes.

"Hmm" Haewon hummed while nodding your head.

Gongmin was about to ask her again but missed the chance from doing so as the event started with the host greeting everyone in the gymnasium.

Though, despite of that, Haewon can still hears what the members of other dance group are gossiping about since she's sitting on the side at the back.

"But what is he doing here? Is he supporting someone or just want to attend such an event? "

"I don't know. Either way, I'm glad I saw him up close! "

"Yes, he's so handsome! I saw him too. I can't believe I saw him in personal!"

"Handsome and rich, he's so my type"

"I'll do my best to get a picture with him later! "

Haewon secretly grimaced from what she heard. Shouldn't they pay more attention to the attitude or the behavior of a person rather than to their financial status and physical appearance?

"Though I heard he ignores people who approaches him"

"Yes and that makes him handsome and cool even more! I think I'm in love! "

Okay, Haewon is so done eavesdropping. Though, she wasn't really eavesdropping, they just so happen talking so loudly that she can even hear them from her seat.

Haewon moved a little bit closer to Gongmin and hold her hand, totally forgetting the wave of nervousness she was feeling a while ago.

Soon enough, the real competition began. Haewon's team were assisted on the backstage for retouching their make up as the other groups from other school, started performing.

Haewon is pacing back and forth, the nervousness she was feeling a while ago went back but it's more intense this time than before. She can practically hear her loud and quick heart beat and she felt like shitting herself at the moment.

Her team was the last one who'll perform since the event was held in their school. And Haewon didn't know if it's a good idea to be the last one to perform or not. She wanted it to be done, to be finished as soon as possible yet she didn't want to go and perform first. It's complicated.

"You okay? " The famous Patricia  asked, causing Haewon to stop walking back and forth.

"Y-yeah" she lied.

Truth is, she wanted to change her wear into her casual clothes and just leave the competition. But at the same time, she wants to perform.

"You're nervous" The other commented causing her to smile awkwardly. "Hey don't be, I know you'll do well. That's why the choreographer chose you to be the center"

Before Haewon could even utter a reply, she heard the MC calling their university's name and she swore her heart dropped on the ground. It is beating so rapidly, as if it will jump out of her ribcage.

Patricia patted Haewon's shoulder and smiled while her hands doing a gesture of 'fighting'.

Haewon took a deep breath before going to the stage.

Loud cheering erupted the gymnasium as soon as her team went on their spot. Haewon roamed her eyes in the crowd before she sat in the middle, readying herself for their first step.

Once the music started, Haewon, along with the other members, moved their body accordingly to the beat. The dance was more like into hiphop mixed with sultry style. So Haewon would constantly give sultry looks but then smiles afterwards, giving off the vibe of hot and cute at the same time.

Once the performance is done, you Haewon and her team went backstage then back to their assigned seat as the event continues with people delivering their speech that mostly ending up half an hour.

After a while, it was time to announce who the winner is. So the group who participated in the competition lined up on the stage.

To say Haewon is very nervous would be an understatement since she had been clinging to Gongmin. Plus she's already exhausted as she poured all her strength in the performance.

But unexpectedly expected, her team won as the mc announced the name of their school as the winner of the competition. And everything happened so fast that Haewon just felt like she just blinked when she and the team lined up on stage and then now, they're suddenly back on their seat while holding the trophy.

It's too good to be true that Haewon even teared up.

Back again with people delivering their speech for a few minutes before the event finally came to an end. Haewon stood up and hugged Gongmin. Though, the hug didn't lasts long as Patricia appears in front of them.

"Haewon! You did great just like what I expected" She said with a smile and Haewon just smiled as an answer. "Anyway, this is Heeseung, my cousin and he-" Patricia didn't have the chance to complete her sentence when the school's principal came up from behind them.

"Miss Lee Haewon, follow me" Mr. Jeon said before giving the others a sweet smile and a nod for her, a gesture to follow him which Haewon did.

Gongmin gave her a questioning look but Haewon just shrugged her shoulders and smiled to Patricia who are wearing a confused expression before she followed the principal.

"Sir? Umm did I do something? " If there's one thing that Haewon has been feeling since this morning, it's nervousness. Intense nervousness to be exact.

The principal smiled and shook his head. "Nothing, someone just wanted to see you. "

And then he opened the door of his office and motioned his hand inside, a sign for the student to enter the room which she did.

Though, just as Haewon entered the room, her eyes immediately fell on the figure of a man standing in the middle of the room with his back facing her.

And it seems the man felt her presence as he turned around, bouquet of flowers in hand and a smile plastered on his lips. And Haewon swore she just saw an angel.

"Hello princess"

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