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"Hello princess"

As if the world stopped spinning, heart stopped beating, Haewon couldn't help but to stare at the man who by now is walking towards her.

A faint sound of door closing behind Haewon was heard but she's too immersed at the beauty walking in front of her that she didn't even noticed it.

"I'm glad to finally meet you, baby. " The man spoke once he's in front of the other. He then hand her the banquet of flowers which Haewon hesitantly accepted, her hands trembling from the overwhelming and mixed feelings she's feeling at the moment.

Is he Jay?

But he said he had something else to do, right?

Though he called me princess and baby, only one person who's calling me by those nickname.

"Baby? " As if hearing his voice again dragged Haewon back to reality as she blinked her eyes multiple times before slowly broking into a smile.

"Jay? "

Hearing the first word left her lips, the man can't help but to smile then nod.

Holy food of England, he's so freaking ethereal!

"helloJayIthoughtyou wouldntcomeandwhyareyousohandsoneohmygashwhatamisa—" Haewon stopped on blabbering when the man in front of her suddenly chuckled. And she swore it was the most beautiful and sexiest chuckle she have ever heard.

"You're really cute. " The man said, smiling while shaking his head, eyes not leaving hers. "And pretty. "


Haewon is speechless. This man—she never thought that the man she has been texting is now in front of her. Smiling dangerously to her.

"I umm" Think Haewon, think! "I thought you wouldn't come? " Remembering what Jay told her last night, Haewon really felt sad when he said he has something else to do.

"Surprise? " Jay replied, still smiling. "And just like what I said, you really did great in the performance. I'm really proud of you. You're amazing. "

"Thank you and can I umm" Haewon bit her lips, wanting to request something but too embarrassed to say it.

"Can you what? "

Was it too much to ask for a hug? Maybe it's too early for that? But Haewon wanted to be hugged or else she'll break into tears at the moment and Gongmin wasn't around to hug her.

No one have ever told her that they're proud of her. Even her parents. And this man was the first one who said something like that to her, and that has a big impact to Haewon.

"Nothing, nothing. " Haewon shook her head, pursing her lips to prevent herself from crying.

"Tell me, princess. Do you want something? Need something? Do you want to leave? Or you're hungry—"

"Can I get a hug? "

Jay seemed taken aback from the sudden request as he did not expected it. Though he smiled and nodded his head, opening his arms and engulfed the girl in a hug.

They stayed like that for a while before the they decided to leave the school as Jay said he prepared something for the other.

And Haewon just can't help but to smile, especially when the man asked if he can hold her hand as they made their way towards the parking lot and to the oh so fcking great car that she didn't know what's the name.

"You're really rich" she mumbled, supposedly not for him to hear but Jay did.

He smiled.

"Tell me if you want and need something, i'll give you everything. "

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