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As soon as the bell rang, signalling that the afternoon class has finally ended, Haewon immediately gathered her things just like what Gongmin did.

"Are you ready? " her friend asked, causing Haewon to glanced at her friend before zipping her bag.

She nodded. "Yeah, I think so"

As soon as Haewon's done, they exited the room and walked down the hallway and out of the school. She already informed Gongmin about her plan on talking with Jay and now, she's nervous.

They stopped right in front of the gate of school as Haewon waited patiently for a familiar car.

"Patricia is coming" Gongmin whispered, noticing the said girl walking towards their direction. Haewon just nodded as an answer.

"Hi." Patricia greeted them, waving her hand. Gongmin gave her a faint smile while Haewon just looked at her for a split second before tearing her gaze away from the girl.

"What's up? " she added.

"We're just waiting for someone. " Gongmin was the one who answered.

"Waiting for who? "

As if on cue, a familiar white car parked not that far from their spot and a familiar man came out after a few seconds. Haewon faced Gongmin.

"Ahh Jay. " Patricia whispered, audible enough for them to hear whilst looking at the man who's standing on his car, eyes searching everywhere, as if he's looking for someone.

Haewon pursed her lips. "I gotta go, Min" She then faced the other and gave her a light nod before walking towards the man who finally found her.

Jay opened the door for Haewon to get in before he walked around to also get in the car and then drove away.

"Where do you want to go? " Jay asked through the ride, breaking the uncomfortable silence in the little space they're in.

She glanced at him before gazing back through the window. "Milk tea shop please. "

The ride took a few minutes before they arrived in one of the milk tea shops that Jay know. They got out of the car and headed inside to order before going to one of the available tables in the corner.

"So? " Jay started after a few minutes of silence. He moved his hand and reached for Haewon's that is resting on top of the table. "What's up baby? "

Truth is, Haewon didn't know how to start this conversation so she's glad that Jay started the talking. But now, she definitely doesn't know how to address the topic she wanted them to discuss.

Or more so, afraid to do so.

Haewon pulled back her hand and gave her boyfriend a faint smile. "Can we wait for our milk tea first? " She asked which made Jay nod in agreement.

Few minutes had passed, their orders came and Haewon immediately took a sip in it. When she's feeling sad, upset, scared or whatever you name it, milk tea always helps. That's why she suggests a milk tea shop in the first place.

"I know about you and Patricia. " Haewon started, getting directly to the point as she wanted it to be done as soon as possible.

Jay looked at her, shock is written on his face. He opened his lips and was about to say something but you beat him first.

"And I'm also aware that it's just an arrange by your grandparents. " She sighed. "I'm just disappointed that you didn't tell me. You know, I'd understand it since those things are possible for rich people like you. "

Jay bit his lips. "I'm sorry for not telling you. "

"Why? "

"Because I'm going to cancel it so I see no point of telling you. " He, for the second time for today, reached for Haewon's hand, bringing it to his lips and kissed it. "Actually, it was already cancelled last Saturday, when we had a dinner with our grandparents. "

Haewon's brow creased. Last Saturday? Wasn't that the time she saw him with Patricia having dinner? So they're with their grandparents?

"Was that the reason why you avoided me, princess? " Jay smiled as he caressed her hands with his thumb. "I am not lying when I told you I'm not going to break your heart. And you're the only one I want to be with in the future. "

Haewon had to bite the inside of her cheek to prevent herself from smiling.
A minute ago, she was feeling broken and now, it's like as if she never felt that feeling as her heart wanted to jump out of her chest and dance with happiness.

Really, what is Jay doing to her?

"By the way, can I ask you something, princess? " Haewon nodded, sipping in her milk tea. "Is it true that you went on a date with that guy Heeseung? "

"A date? " Haewon's eyes widened, too wide that Jay was afraid it'll come off from its socket. She immediately shook her head vigorously.

"No! Well, I just went with him to watch a concert and that's all. He had an extra ticket and I badly want to come so I went with him. Was it considered a date? Did I cheat? I swear Jay, we didn't do anything, believe me. And who told you we went on a date? Oh my gosh! "

Okay. Maybe the way she reacted was a bit too much. Haewon is panicking and that is obvious. Jay chuckled as he shook his head whilst standing from his seat. "Let's go? I want to introduce you to my parents. "

Haewon smiled then stood up while nodding. Her free hand took her unfinished milk tea before they get out of the milk tea shop.

"Wait" she suddenly said before Jay could even turn on the engine. Haewon looked at him causing their eyes to meet. "What if they will not like me? "

Jay smiled, nodding his head. "You're right, they won't like you. "

"Right." Haewon answered, a bit hurt from the honest answer she got from the man himself. "Let's just go-"

"Because I'm certain they will love you, baby, because I do" Haewon's eyes widened from what she heard.


"I love you"

The End.

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