⋆13༄ Pathetic.

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Hey guys! This chapter is twice as long as the chapters normally are. I hope you'll enjoy it! Thank you for letting me take my time, it means so much.

BIG, BIG thank you for 81K reads on the first volume! This is unbelievable, I am so pleased. I really appreciate all the support ♡

Also, some people pointed out that I've been less active lately. As I said, I correct the first volume (some things that I wasn't happy with), also I work on more chapters for this one, and two more works that you'll see in the future — can't tell you yet what they are. Yes tvesha04 you can sleep peacefully now, lol. (For anyone who doesn't understand, I always say that I can't say anything and everytime I do, tvesha replies that if she didn't hear me say it, she wouldn't be able to sleep in peace, haha.)

Shall we?


After the extra shift that I have taken so Declan could spend this evening with his girlfriend, I briskly gathered up my stuff and stormed out of my workplace before Mason could even say goodbye.

Kai has got some news about Will, and I have to find out what it is.

Being trapped in a taxi for a few minutes now I can't help but restlessly bounce my leg and bite on my nails. My head is flooded with thoughts about Will — the possible reasons behind his sudden personality flip.

"We're here," the driver announces and I don't even bother to ask how much the ride cost me. I just hastily hand him a tenner — my tonight's tips — and with a hurried thank you I shut the door behind me as I step out the vehicle.

"Hey," Kai greets me, coming closer towards the kerb. "You alright?"

"Yeah, sorry for the late hour. I was at work," I apologize, anxiously twiddling with the phone in my hands.

"Actually, the time couldn't be any more convinient for this," he says, his tone laced with mystery.

"For what exactly?" I question, my stomach churned in nervousness.

"I know where Will is. But you can't tell him that you found out from me. I sort of tracked his device, and I feel bad about it because he's my friend, but..." he exhales heavily, his intense stare holds my curious one. "I can't watch him ruin himself anymore. I've heard enough about the things that he's done since you flew out. I mean, he no longer wants to talk to me, and just like you, I believe that there is a reason behind it. You just have to figure out what it is," he states, his hands rest in the kangaroo pocket of his black hoodie.

Kai tracked his device; I chew on this snippet, gauging the expression of the individual standing face to face with me. Then it really must be serious if even his friend makes some drastic moves.

"Why me?" I furrow my brows, staring into his brown eyes.

"Don't act daft, Davina. Only an idiot wouldn't notice that you made Reyman fall in love with you, and you know what he's like when it comes to feelings," he states and after having thought about it for a second, I nod my head, knowing he's right. "So if he's going to tell anyone what made him change back into a douche, I'm more than certain that you'll be the person he'll decide to have this conversation with."

"Well, I hope so because he has some serious explanations to do," I state, my blood boils just at the thought of Avery being Will's girlfriend. "Where is he now then?" I raise a quizzical brow.

"Turn around," Kai orders me politely and I knit my brows, nevertheless obeying his words. "He's been there for a few hours now," he adds, running his hand through his blonde hair.

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