Chapter Seventeen: Morning

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Alaric settles in and looks at me causing me to quickly face the other way with my back towards him.  A few awkward minutes pass until I hear Alaric sigh and move.

"Tia?" He whispers. "You awake?"

I didn't respond, pretending to sleep which is when he shifts more towards me and wraps his hands around my waist-pulling me into his chest. I tense up as his breath hits my neck and his arms warmed up my stomach as I felt his legs start to tangle with mine. 

Alaric sighs once he was completely holding me then seems to relax while I didn't. My heart was pounding so hard, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he could hear it. But as I listened to his slow, even breathing- I fell asleep in his arms.


I woke up to a dark room as birds chirped outside. I waved my hand, using a small bit of magic to open the curtains that allowed the sunlight to enter. I stretch a little before trying to sit up- which was prevented by Alaric's arm that held me against him. 

I turn my head to glance at him and found myself spellbound by his face. Yesterday, he had a look on his face which made him seem worn and harden but now he was peaceful and content as he held onto me; reminding me of the boy he was.

I completely turn to face Alaric as he continued to sleep unguarded. Subconsciously, I reached out and touched his face. Alaric mumbles a little at my touch and tightens his grip on me, causing me to gasp in surprise. 

"Tia?" He wakes up finally as I tried to put some distance between us, my hands on his shoulders. "What's wrong?"

"Your hugging me too tight!" I grunted from my struggle which caused me to slowly move up onto my pillows and ended up with me looking just a little above his head.

"Is that better?" He asks as he loosens his hold but did not entirely release me. 

"Yes... But we should get up." I could feel my face getting hotter under his gaze causing me to squirm. "It's morning."

Alaric watches me as I said that then smirks which my mind actually freezes mid-thought at how handsome he was.

"Alright." He leans in and kisses my collarbone before completely releasing me. I ended up staring into space for a few moments as he got up and head to his room before it finally hit me on what he just did.  

'afjfisjiosjfkioejkfjoia!!!!!!!!!!!!' I internally screamed and degraded into a three-year-old child who was throwing a fit and rolling around on the bed. I regained myself a minute later and sat up, taking a few calming breaths before leaving the bed. I glanced over at the mirror as I started to get dressed before stopping and looking at my collarbone.

Alaric had only lightly kissed it, but I could feel that spot that he had touched with his lips, tingling. I quickly looked away from the mirror and grabbed my shoes before heading to the kitchen. 

I was going to pretend that he did not just do that.


Unfortunately, I was completely over-aware of Alaric the entire day. I spilt an entire pot of soup on the floor when he brushed his arm against mine when he was retrieving a loaf of bread, I sliced my finger on a knife when he knocked on the door of my study, and the icing on the cake was when I had tripped on the door frame as I left the house and Alaric caught me- to which I severely flinched away and slammed my elbow on the door knob.

'Way to go Celestia.' I thought to myself as we walked together on the path to town. 'There is no way he can't tell that I'm avoiding him.'

"Tia?" Alaric's voice suddenly breaks up my thoughts. "Did I do something wrong?"

"What?" I looked over at him, but avoided his eyes. "No! It's nothing."

"Tia." Alaric grabs my hand and tugged me over to a tree lining the path and kabedon'd me. Both his arms where on either side of me as he leans in close to my face, leaving me no room to escape. "Why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not trying to avoid you." I quickly try to reassure him. "It's just- to me it's been only a few days since I last saw you; but five years had passed.  So I'm not entirely sure how I'm supposed to react to you now."

Alaric's eyes stare into mine, searching to make sure that I was telling the truth. "Just like you always do."

"But your now..." I paused as I pointed up and down his tall and muscular frame. "This."

"This?" Alaric raises an eyebrow at my response, but then sighs before releasing me. "I guess it would take some getting used to."

He helps me step over some roots before we started walking again. 

"But it does hurt my feelings when you react like that. I don't like it when you hurt yourself... Understand?" He raises my injured hand and kisses the bandage that covered it.

"Okay. Sorry Alaric." I apologized looking away, not noticing the satisfied look on his face. 

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