Chapter 4

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I felt my eyelids flutter open and took a moment to allow my vision to clear. I was staring at a white ceiling above me. I allowed my eyes to wander the room. I was in a very large bed, tucked under a dark blue comforter. I lifted the blanket gently and saw with relief that I was still wearing the same clothes I had come here in. There was bright sunlight streaming in through a large window that was surrounded by floor length gray drapes and light gray walls. There were two small dressers, a door that looked like it opened into a bathroom and another door that was shut. I turned my head in the other direction and, sitting in a large chair typing away on a laptop, was my kidnapper.

"Good morning, Lily." He says quietly.

"Morning?" I ask. I can barely croak out the word through my dry mouth.

"Yes, you've been asleep for about sixteen hours." I gawk at him as the events of yesterday come rushing back.

"You bit me!" I scream at him. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Yeah, that wasn't exactly a great moment for me. I didn't want it to happen that way." I narrow my eyes at him and fling the covers off of my legs.

I get up and sway a little on my feet as he watches me with curiosity. I traipse into the bathroom and look at the wound on my neck. It is red and inflamed as well as hot to the touch.

"It's infected you douche bag!" I scream at him. I go back into the room and he sighs again.

"Probably because you haven't accepted it."

I have no idea what he means. And I don't care.

"I need you to get me some antibiotic ointment and a bandage to cover this up. Unless you want to let me go septic and kill me. That would save me the trouble of doing it myself."

My threat has him on his feet, hands clenched at his side and anger all over his face as he closes in on me, forcing me against the wall.

"Don't fucking joke like that."

"Who says it's a joke, asswipe?"

"Would you like to know my name so you can stop referring to me with all of these charming nicknames?"

"Nah, I've been referring to you as 'that fucking asshole' in my head and I think it's rather fitting." I cross my arms and narrow my eyes at him.

"I'll have someone bring you some ointment." He says as he backs away from me.

"How about you go get it yourself? I could use some time away from you." I spit back.

"Not yet you can't. Your mark is fresh. It will be physically painful to be away from me for another day or so." I scoff and roll my eyes.

"You're crazy." I mutter to myself. He shrugs at me.

"Fine." He says before he exits the room.

I hear his footsteps getting further away down the hallway when the mark on my neck begins to burn. Another minute and it starts to spread through my neck, chest and arm. After five minutes my entire body is on fire and I'm on the floor sobbing.

I hear the door open and shut. The burning begins to fade and I open my eyes to see 'that fucking asshole' leaning down next to me. He puts his hand on my shoulder and the pain is gone instantly.

"Stilk think I'm crazy?" He asks and I don't bother to respond.

"Here's the ointment and whatever we had for bandages. I also brought you some lunch."

"I'm not hungry." I mumble as I grab the supplies and head to the bathroom. I hear him sigh again. He seems to do that a lot.

"You need to eat or the mark won't heal."

"Whatever." I say defeatedly. I spread the ointment along my wound and dress it with a bandage.

"How do you know how to do this stuff?" Asshole asks.

"I'm a nurse." I reply quietly. He nods his head and goes back to his chair. I finish in the bathroom and go back to lay in the bed. Even if I've been sleeping as long as he says I have, I'm still exhausted.

"Eat." He says with an irritated glance. I roll over so my back is facing him and the plate of food he brought.

"Please?" He says with a fake kindness.

"Fuck you." I say with same tone back. He growls and my body tenses at the sound. I'm pretty sure he won't hurt me at this point, but who knows what he'll do if I keep pushing his buttons.

"I'm tired. I'll eat when I wake up." I say quietly. He doesn't answer and the weight of my situation catches up to me.

I know that these people are actually werewolves. I saw that guy turn into one and I saw Asshole's teeth come out before he bit me. I don't know what he wants with me or why I can't leave, but he's made it pretty obvious he has no intention of letting me go. I have to bide my time. There's no way I can leave while it hurts like a bitch to be away from him for more than a few minutes anyway. So I'll stay for a bit, and figure out how to escape. Back to my old life. Which reminds me...

"How did you know my name?" I ask him.

"I looked at your ID. Which is how I also know you're 23 and your address. So don't think of running back there again."

This revelation causes my stomach to drop. I can never go home. I could never lead these monsters to Derek. Who knows what they would do to him. Thinking about him opens a wound in my heart and longing takes over. My body is wracked with sobs as I cry into my pillow.

"Please stop crying. My wolf doesn't like it."

"I don't give a shit what your wolf likes. I don't like being trapped here with a bunch of freaks." I scream at him and continue to cry.

"I know you're scared and upset. But you're going to need to come to terms with the situation. Sooner rather than later. You have a responsibility to this pack and they have been waiting for you."

The longing in my heart is replaced by a raging, all consuming anger as I flip over on the bed and sit up so I can look at him properly.

"I don't owe you or your fucking pack a God damn thing." I spit at him. "You stole me from my home, my job and my life and you think I'm just going to roll over and accept it? Then you're even more idiotic than you look. I will never be or do what you want me to so YOU need to ACCEPT that." He's much calmer after my outburst than I expected him to be, which almost concerns me more.

"I hate to break it to you" he begins "but once you start spending time with the pack, your Luna instincts will kick in. You will love them, want to spend time with them and need them to be happy. You were chosen as my mate for a reason, you were made to take this role and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Also, you and I both know you don't think I look like an idiot. I was built for you, so you think I'm gorgeous. Just as I think you are incredibly beautiful." He smirks at me as if I care about how hot he is.

"It doesn't matter what the package looks like if the meat inside is spoiled." I speak slowly so he can fully comprehend my words. He scowls and goes back to typing.

"I'm not going to be some kind of mother hen for your pack. I don't care about them."

"Right now I don't imagine you do." He says tiredly. "But you will soon. Now please, eat. My wolf is agitated that you haven't had anything to eat or drink since you've been here."

I lift the sandwich off the plate and throw it across the room at him. A piece of tomato gets stuck to his face and I can't help but snort. He growls at me again and picks up the sandwich and plate and carries it out of the room. I feel the pain again and I'm pretty sure he only did that as a punishment for my poor behavior. He comes back after a few minutes and settles back into his chair with his computer as I roll over in the bed and cry myself to sleep.

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