Chapter 8

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I hear Sam's heavy, tired footsteps making his way to my home office. He opens the door and shuts it quietly behind him before collapsing into the chair across from my desk. He runs both hands down his face and sighs heavily.

"She's finally asleep." He says tiredly.

"I figured." I respond. "The stabbing pain in my chest has lulled to a dull ache."

"Yeah I felt it too."

"You did?" I ask.

"Yeah. I think the whole pack did to a certain extent. She doesn't know she can broadcast her emotions to us, let alone how to control it." He answers. I sigh myself and look over at my exhausted beta.

"Thank you for all you're doing for her. I know it's not in your job description. Any idea when Callum will be back?" He shakes his head.

"He and Kara are having a hard time with the baby. I guess she doesn't sleep well. I told him to take his time though. I don't mind spending time with Luna." I nod.

"She'll be alright. She just needs to get closer to the pack."

"Liam. I think she's depressed." He only uses my name when he wants to speak with me as more of a friend than a beta. I appreciate the distinction.

"She's not depressed she's just having a hard time adjusting. Once she throws herself into pack work she'll come around." Sam shakes his head vehemently and pins me down with a firm glare.

"No, I think she's literally, clinically depressed."

"Why do you say that?" I sit back in my chair and eye him closely.

"I saw her get some medicine from her house. I looked it up online and it's used to treat depression. So I looked up the signs of depression and she meets almost every single one. All she wants to do is sleep, she barely eats. I had to force her to take a shower after three days. She claimed the ice baths she took to deal with your bullshit were close enough but she hadn't even washed her hair. I threatened to carry her in and wash her hair myself before she finally did it. She never watches TV, never reads a book. And I know she loves to read. There were hundreds of books at her house and all of them had her scent on them. Not a single one smelled like her boyfriend."

I snarl at the mention of her boyfriend. The idea she had someone before me pisses my wolf the fuck off.

"Not only that, but Liam. Most of the time when I go in to check on her she's just sitting on that window seat staring at nothing. It's kind of scary. I mean it's not like her window faces anything interesting. She's not watching kids play or men train. Just staring at the forest. I'm worried about her." I sigh and nod my head. I believe him and want him to know I'm taking this seriously.

"What do you think I should do?" I ask him honestly.

"Do you really feel nothing for her? Honestly, I've never seen mates act this way. It makes me a little scared to find mine. I'm terrified I might not love her."

"My wolf is very attached to her. I just don't allow myself to be. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, but that's all I will allow myself to feel. I see how all of the men act with their mates. I mean look at Callum. His mate has a pup and all other thoughts and responsibilities get thrown to the side. I understand it and I don't blame him, I just can't afford to do that myself. I'm the Alpha. This pack relies on me. They need me to be strong and a mate, a human mate especially, is a weakness." I try to explain to him. Sam sighs again and shakes his head

"I think it would do this pack some good to see a softer side of you. I know you like to run things on fear, intimidation and respect, but there is nothing wrong with your pack members legitimately liking you."

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