Chapter 9

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I got what I wanted. No more pain, no more heartache. At least not from him sleeping with other women. I almost couldn't believe how quickly he caved. He must have felt more pain than he let on. Or maybe he wasn't willing to risk me sleeping with his packmates. I giggle a little thinking that he actually believed I would force any of them to have sex with me. That's rape and I would never commit such an atrocity. But he believed my bluff hook, line and sinker.

"I need a favor." Sam says from behind me. "Well more like our Gamma does."

"Ok...." I urge him to continue.

"He and his mate Kara just had a pup, a little girl named Grace, and she's really fussy. They've hardly been getting any sleep and they're desperate. As Luna, you have a calming effect on the pack. They were hoping you would come visit them and maybe help settle the little firecracker down for a bit so they can get some rest." I smile at the thought and nod yes.

"Wait! Let me grab something." I head up to my closet and pull out a pink baby blanket I crocheted. It seems like a girl on my floor at work was always pregnant so I liked to keep a girl and a boy one on hand just in case.

"What's that?" Sam asks.

"A blanket I made. Do you think they'll like it?" Sam gives me a warm smile and pulls me into a gentle hug.

"They'll love it."

He helps me into the SUV and we drive in comfortable silence for nearly ten minutes before we pull up to a small cottage with a wrap around porch and red door. It's charming and looks right at place in heavily wooded area. We get out of the car and just as my door closes, the red one of the cottage opens and a tall, muscular man with sandy blonde hair and warm brown eyes smiles tiredly at us.

"Luna!" He yells. "It's so nice to finally meet you. I'm Callum. Your Gamma. As soon as we get our little sprout on a normal schedule I will be your right hand." I bounce up the stairs and pull him into a hug. He looks exhausted and I have nothing but warm feelings for him.

"It's nice to meet you too! Now where is the little troublemaker? According to Sam I can be of some assistance." He smiles and leads me into the cottage.

The front door opens directly into a living room with cream walls, gray carpet, a stone fireplace and a brown suede couch where I see a beautiful young woman with long brown hair and tired hazel eyes holding a squirming, whimpering little ball of pink.

"Luna, this is my mate, Kara." Kara stands and walks up to me. She's wearing black yoga pants and a purple t shirt that obviously has baby spit up on it.

"Hi Luna. I wish I was meeting you under better circumstances. I'm so sorry for the mess." She's obviously fretting about the way her home looks, but I only have eyes for the little bundle in her arms.

"Don't you worry about that. May I hold her?" I ask reaching out gently. I've noticed that werewolves are very protective and territorial, so I have no idea how this woman will react to me holding her baby. But she surprises me and practically throws the baby in my arms.

"Yes! Please! We'll try anything! She hasn't slept in two days!" I give Kara a sympathetic smile and take the baby while handing her the blanket.

"Here I brought a gift for the little one. I made it." She holds up the blanket to inspect it as I look down at the sweet baby. She has wide brown eyes and dark brown hair. A little button nose and pink lips pursed into a scowl. I nearly laugh at her expression and look back at her mama.

"Oh Luna. It's beautiful. Thank you so much!" Kara nearly starts to cry

"Oh honey, no need for tears it's not a big deal." She shakes her head as she tries to compose herself.

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