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"Ukai-kun...what are your plans for Luna?" Takeda-sensei asked Coach Ukai as the players were busy on warming up for the next match with Seijoh.

Coach Ukai crossed his arms and let out a deep breath. He knew Takeda-sensei only just concern about Luna. He also worried of her future nonetheless.

"Well...For now, I have hired home tutors for her. Although the subjects she learned is just those simple subject for elementary students. I will take step by step to educate her." Ukai explain. He knows Luna, a 16 years old girl should have the needed education. But he cannot just throw her high school sylibus to a girl who still struggle to count numbers.

"At the very least, even she did not manage to attend college or find job, my Sakanoshita store is enough. Little by little I will teach her about the store." His eyes casting down. The light dimmed a bit.

"You know, most money is gone for her physiotherapy. But it doesn't matter even if I spent most of my money to her because she can walk again." Coach Ukai said with a smile adorned his face.

"Ah that's right. Luna's injuries..." Takeda-sensei's sentences dragged as he not sure how to express it. However Coach Ukai understand what he meant to ask. "She at first afraid to talk. As if everyone will get angry if she talk. But now she is like a chirping bird even she still stutters." Ukai laughed lowly.

"She can hardly move her body especially her legs. Beaten by that scum all her life affected her body for sure." His heart ached thinking back when the girl have her first physiotherapy. She cried a lot when she was instructed to do simple movement.

Coach Ukai sighed heavily. She glanced at the audience searching for the small girl. He smile softly when he saw her standing excitedly. Proudness flashed his eyes. 'This girl have become stronger, happier and healthier.'

The match will begin in a few minutes. All the players gathered to their coach.

On the Aoba Johsai's side...

"Let's do our best today! Luna-chan is watching us!" Oikawa said with a big smile while pointing at Luna in the audience.

"Ah I see her!" Yahaba said as he cupped his face. He have dreamy look as he stared at Luna. "She didn't look at us.." Hanamaki said making the others also noticed how Luna's attention not on them, but at Karasuno.

"Damn that Karasuno! They always have her attention!" Oikawa said grumpily, stomping his feet angrily.

"You know...that Karasuno is taking advantage of the sweet girl. I saw they kissed her after a match." Kindaichi said recalling how he saw the horror scene.

Matsukawa opened his mouth to voice his thought. "Then, that's more the reason we should snatch her away." The other players stiffened hearing that. Of course, the 'snatching' will involve a little bit of violence and kidnapping....

"That can be wait. We will discuss after this." Iwaizumi said calmly. But anyone can see under that calm face, rage is underneath.

The match begin. Both Karasuno and Seijoh were unleashing all they got. It was very interesting that even Luna gaped with amazement.

At Karasuno match point, Seijoh brought in Kyotani. When Luna saw the familiar angry face, she become somewhat eager to shout for his name. Her instinct told her that even though Kyotani was fierce looking, he was a good guy.

Karasuno won the first set because Kyotani hit the ball out of bound. When Oikawa was busy figuring out how to scold Kyotani, a soft, lulling, angelic voice echoing among the noisy cheers.

Delicate (Yandere Haikyuu x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя