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Ukai thought it was a best decision to let Luna rest in the house for a week. He also began to doubt himself if his action on exposing Luna to outside people was to early.

"Maybe it is best for you to stay at the house and don't go out for a while." Ukai told Luna gently. He was worried sick if anyone insult Luna again.

Luna looked up to her dad when she heard his words. "I...I can-cannot see my f-friends any-more?" Her voice trembled due to nervousness. To Luna, Ukai's words on suggesting her to rest at home was just like how her father lock her up. He completely cut off her from the outside world.

Luna felf very lonely all that time. She didn't want to be separated from her loving friends.

Listening to Luna, Ukai immediately realized his mistake. He should have explain thoroughly to Luna. "No Luna, what I meant is...I am just suggesting you to rest in the house. I'm afraid you will feel restless in the crowd again." He hold Luna's shoulders gently.

"Of course, I won't force you. If you feel comfortable, you can go out. Just tell me first and bring your phone, okay?" Ukai said carressing Luna's cheeks.

Luna knew she misunderstood Ukai words, and she felt embarrassed as she was overreacting. She bowed her head and apologize. "Sorry..."

Ukai patted her head and told her it was okay. He should have known that Luna was still healing from the trauma. All the fears from her abusive home was still there in her heart.

Luna listen to Ukai's advice and rest at home. She focused on her homeschool lessons and her hobby in drawing.

Time flies.

Luna told Ukai she wanted to go see Karasuno's match at Tokyo. Ukai then agreed to bring along.

She was in the bus with Hinata. Because they depart early in the morning, Luna felt sleepy thus she slept on the whole ride.

Hinata obviously offered his lap for her to sleep on. "Waaaa~she is so cute today~!" Hinata said as he stared at Luna's sleeping face. He and his team have been missing her so much.

"Stupid Hinata! Don't stare at her like that! You look creepy!" Kageyama said glaring at Hinata. Truth to be told, Kageyama was feeling jealous as Luna chose to be seated with the tangerine.

"Blargghh you are just jealous Bakayama!" Hinata said sticking out his tongue at the Blueberry boy.

Kageyama gritted his teeth and was ready to yell at Hinata when his shoulder was tapped by Daichi. "That's enough you two. Don't argue anymore." He said with a scary smile making the two first years shut their mouth quickly.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived at Tokyo. They unloaded their things at the inn they were staying. They trained some more for the day and prepared mentally for the game tomorrow.

The next morning arrived. All of the Karasuno players felt nervous, but excited at the same time. They all gather for the opening ceremony.

Luna was with Yachi when her phone rang. She accepted the call and was met with Goshiki's bright red face.

"He-Hello, Luna!" He greeted in a stiff voice.

"Hello." Luna nodded and return the greeting in a small voice.

"Have the umm..opening ceremony started?" Goshiki asked Luna. He was kinda upset that it was not his team that go to the national. But he pushed his bitter feelings aside and focused on the effort to improve his skill.

"No...Not yet." Luna shakes her head. " are you do-ing?" She asked blinking her innocent eyes at him.

Before Goshiki could reply, Tendou butt in and greet Luna in a loud voice. "Oh hello there little bunny!" The read head was clearly joyful when he saw Luna.

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