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Extra #1


In a big mansion, a woman was preparing a plate of cookies as snacks. She wore a Japan shirt indicating she was a fan of Japan team. But, not only that, on her face painted a flag of Argentina, indicating she was also a fan of Argentina team.

She brought the tray of cookies to the living room, where a big television was and her kids were watching the Volleyball Olympic.

"Has it started yet?" She asked gently to her 2 kids. They were twins. "Not yet mommy!" The cute little boy with chubby cheeks replied. The boys' names were Sora and Miu.

On the other side of the sofa, sat Tsukishima. He put one of the twin on his lap. "Almost started." Tsukki said before pulled her hand gently to made her sat down beside him. Yamaguchi also let the other twin on his lap. "Ah! It starting!"

When the TV showed the line up for Japan team, Luna cheered. He pointed to the TV and turned her attention to her twins boys. "Look, look! That's your daddies! They are on the TV!"

Suga, Daichi and Asahi butt in, "I'm so proud!" "They were all made it into Japan team." They added. The three of them couldn't hold their cries.

Tsukishima smirked. "There's something about seeing them out in that court, makes me feel like to get moving too." His smirk scared the boy on his lap, making him squirming wanted to be let go. "Uuuu papa Kei is scwary."

Akaashi just come out from the kitchen with drinks. He noticed Sora was afraid, and immediately rushed to his son. He carry the child gently. "Shh... it's okay, papa Kei is not scary." Tsukishima's face turned stiff hearing his son said that. "Hmph! I just smile!" He crossed his arms on his chest.

Nishinoya laughed at Tsukishima. "Hahahahaha! You just didn't know how to be fun with kids!" He stood up from the sofa and went to Sora who was in Akaashi's arms. "Sora, here! You can feel like you are flying, right?!" Nishinoya playfully threw him up in the air before catching him. Unfortunately, it just made the child frightened further. "AAAHHH!"

"NISHINOYA!" Daichi shouted angrily. He smacked the back of Noya's head. Suga took Sora from Noya. He was good at calming his son whenever he cried.

"Oh hey, they were talking about Oikawa!" Lev said pointing to the screen. The boy in Yamaguchi's lap clapped his hand excitedly. "Papa Tooru!" He giggled loudly.

On the other big white sofa, Hanamaki cheered with Matsukawa. They both wearing Argentina team shirts. "Now would you look at that. His face was full of confidence." Matsukawa said sipping his drink.

Miu slid down from Yamaguchi's lap and ran to Matsukawa. "Papa! What is cofide-cofidens?" Miu asked blinking his big eyes. Makki lifted up the boys and explain the meaning of the words to him.

The whole living room was noisy with the cheers and chatters from both team.


Extra #2

Oikawa opened the front door of the mansion with a loud bang. "Oh honey, I'm home! With a gold medal! And the losers!" He said sticking out his tongue playfully at Hinata, Kageyama, Bokuto and Ushijima. The four were making sour faces at him in response.

"Welcome home, papa!" Sora and Miu ran to them with their short legs. "My babies!" Bokuto sprinted to hug his babies tightly.

Ushijima walked to Bokuto who was hogging his sons. "Koutarou, they are not your sons only." Ushijima said before taking Sora.

"Welcome home!" Luna said as she wiped her hands on her apron. "Hmm? Where is the others?" She asked when she noticed Yaku, Sakusa, and Atsumu were not there.

"They will come later. Got something to do. Don't worry." Kageyama said as he hug her and kissed her lips.

"I have many things to tell you, Luna! You know when we first arrived at the court, I almost threw up out of nervousness but then when I saw Tooru's face I somehow calmed down." Hinata said hugging her shoulder as they walked to the sofa.

"Hey! What does that suppose to mean?! You still lose to me, okay!" Oikawa yelled with a tone of dissatisfaction. Luna laughed looking at their behaviour.

"Congratulations to my hubbies! You all did great! I and our sons are so proud!" Luna exclaimed.

"You all take a bath first! Me and Koushi are already preparing for dinner." Luna said softly to them all.

"Okay!" Bokuto and Hinata ran upstairs with their bags. Kageyama walked slowly dragging his heavy bags behind. Ushijima hugged her before went upstairs too.

Oikawa pecked her lips with a smirk. "Congratulations Tooru." They both shared a hug before he went upstairs.


Extra #3

Flashback on the time Luna gave birth.

The men all waiting at labor room in restlessness. Cold sweat dripping on their forehead. Their heartbeats were thumping loudly in their chest. Worry and fear were all they felt.

"Please have a safe birth..." Hinata mumbled.

A nurse came out in rush. "Her husband please come in to accompany her!"

"Which husband?" The men all said at the same time. For a second, the nurse stood dumbfounded not knowing what to say.

"I will go." Kita said. He was quick on his feet to go in. The others clicked their tongue. Well, considering how calm Kita was, they just couldn't help but agree that he was the best.

They couldn't stay still of they need to look at Luna's painful face. So Kita was the best to be by her side at the moment.

Soon, the babies and Luna were declared safe, making all the men grateful. The babies were named as Sora (Sky) and Miu (Feathers).

They live an excellent life, living their days in the big mansion.

Luna was happy everyday. Never once she regret it. Even until the day she took her last breath.

[Delicate : Ended.]

Hana here!

Thank you for staying with this story! It was kinda an open ending, but I still hope you guys enjoy this story.

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