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"Thank you for coming with me in such short notice." Y/n hummed with a warm smile. 

Steve, Bucky, and y/n had arrived in Wakanda after a short flight on the quinjet. The rest of the team decided to stay behind for now, but of course they promised to visit y/n from time to time whilst she trained. Y/n honestly preferred not having the whole team there, it allowed her to focus more on her training. Plus, it meant she could spend more time with Bucky.

"Who said I was coming for you? I might just want to visit the markets again." Bucky teased with a mischievous grin. Y/n and Bucky were strolling hand in hand as they were led down to Shuri's lab. Steve and T'Challa were walking a few paces ahead of the pair, seeming to be in a happy conversation in their own little world. Y/n gasped at what Bucky said, playfully elbowing his side with a laugh. "Oh, so you can die from all the spicy food again?" She teased right back, causing Bucky to roll his eyes. "Hey, it's not my fault! You could basically eat fire and not feel a thing." Bucky exclaimed dramatically. Y/n simply shrugged, a proud smile on her face. "Sounds like a you problem."

Y/n soon found herself down at the training room after putting her suit on. Steve and Bucky stayed upstairs with Shuri, watching through the window for now. Shuri seemed happy to the trio again, but was a little sad that Peter didn't come along - of course not knowing that he was probably at school. But at least she didn't have to worry about anything being broken, Steve and Bucky knew better than to grab anything they shouldn't. "Are you sure we don't need to head down there too?" Bucky asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice. He knew it was just training, but he wanted to be closer to y/n in case anything went wrong. "I'm sure. This is y/n's training. She needs to focus on herself. If they need us they'll ask." Steve reassured, patting Bucky's back in attempt to calm him down. "Why don't we go and explore for a while? I'm sure y/n will be here for at least a few hours." He suggested, earning an nod in agreement from Shuri. But, Bucky shook his head. "Not yet." He murmured, his arms cross over his chest as he watched from the window. He didn't want to leave y/n on her own.

"This is where you will be for most of your days, so you might want to get used to it." T'Challa smiled, taking y/n's water bottle and setting it to the side for now. "We are going to be focusing on your mind control. But if there's anything else you want to improve please let me know." He hummed. Y/n nodded as she followed T'Challa into the training room, the same room where they trained for the first time in Wakanda. There were several other strangers stood in the room, seeming to be the people that y/n was going to be training with. "These are warriors that have volunteered to help you in training. They will be the people you will be mind controlling." T'Challa explained, gesturing toward the strangers. The warriors smiled at y/n, nodding to her to act as a greeting. "The Dora Milaje are also here. They will stand in if anything goes wrong, but I'm sure everything will be fine." T'Challa reassured, nodding toward the Dora Milaje. He decided to have them stand in as precaution after Bruce told him about y/n's recent nightmare. T'Challa knew y/n had changed since then, but he still had to protect his people. 

Y/n nodded slowly, greeting everyone with a nervous smile. "Thank you, all of you. This means a lot." She said gratefully. T'Challa smiled, making a small gesture with his hand and watching as all the warriors lined up at the centre of the room. Near the centre there was also a chair, seeming to be where y/n needed to be. "That chair is just in case you need to take a seat whilst you're controlling them." T'Challa explained as y/n stood with the chair behind her, facing all the warriors. "The first thing we are going to do is test your current strength when it comes to mind control. So we will be pushing you right to your threshold. It's going to be tough, but once we know your threshold we can work from there." T'Challa said seriously. Y/n nodded with a nervous breath. She had to focus now, no more fun and games. Y/n quickly glanced up at the window for reassurance, smiling slightly as she was met with a wave from Bucky and Steve. "First, you are going to control one warrior, and have them fight with another warrior. From there, you will control more and more warriors and make them fight until you reach your threshold. You will not stop until you reach your limit. I will be on standby with water if you need it, and the chair is behind you. Are you ready?" T'Challa asked, picking up y/n's water bottle as he made his way over to stand beside her. "Yeah, yeah. Let's go." Y/n murmured, hopping from foot to foot in attempt to hype herself up a little.

Y/n stepped toward the warriors, strolling toward the end of the line. She then stood in front of the warrior at the edge, reaching her hands up to set her hands on the side of his head. "Are you sure you want this?" She asked with a frown. But the warrior just nodded with a smile, nervousness evident in his eyes. But who wouldn't be nervous when someone was about to take control of you? "I'm sure, miss." He said, his calm voice a little shaky. Y/n nodded slowly, giving the warrior a reassuring smile as her hands touched the sides of his head. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she finally took control. The warrior's head rocked back as if he was about to pass out as all of his control was stripped away. But, once y/n was completely in his mind the man stood up straight, his eyes a pure white, with no pupils in sight. 

"Good, y/n. Now come back to the chair and make him fight one of the warriors."

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