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The team stayed in the clearing for as long as y/n needed. They weren't going anywhere, and they sure as hell weren't going to leave y/n on her own. 

"You can still smell it, can't you? The soot and the smoke." Wanda murmured quietly, sitting down beside y/n on the ground. 

Wanda had ushered everyone out of the clearing, needing some privacy with y/n. The team didn't go too far away, just far enough that they couldn't hear the conversation. It had taken a lot of convincing to get Bucky to leave y/n's side, but he could tell by the look in Wanda's eyes that it was a conversation that needed to be had.

Y/n lifted her head up at what Wanda said, but she didn't face her. Her eyes glued on her parents' gravestones. "What?" She asked in a shaky tone. Her heartbroken sobs had calmed down, but that didn't mean the tears had stopped. Y/n didn't think they would stop. But, Wanda was right. She could still smell the soot and the smoke, even if it was for a brief moment. How did she know that? 

Wanda didn't face y/n, her eyes staring straight ahead at the gravestones. "From the explosion. You can still smell it, can't you? I know I can." Wanda murmured, taking a deep breath. "My parents died in an explosion. I know it's not the same, and I'm not comparing, but I know how you feel." She sighed, taking a shaky breath at the mention of her own parents, but she knew she could help y/n cope with the grief, even in a small way. "Wanda..." Y/n whispered in surprise, turning to face her. She knew Wanda had been through a lot, but she didn't know the exact details. Wanda shook her head, not averting her gaze from the gravestones. She didn't want any sympathy, that wasn't her aim. "Nobody really checks up on the survivors, do they?" Wanda asked in an almost bitter tone, a sad smile appearing on her face. "My ears still ring, I can still smell the smoke, and every night I see their faces." Wanda whispered brokenly, tears beginning to prick at her eyes. Y/n nodded, tears still falling freely down her cheeks. She understood exactly where Wanda was coming from. "What hurts the most is the fact that there was nothing we could've done. And if you're not careful that feeling can destroy you. But you have to learn to accept it and embrace the pain. That hole in your heart will always be there, and that's okay. Because I know that they're looking down on us right now, with the proudest smiles on their faces after they've seen how far we've come." Wanda said with a sad smile, allowing a few tears to fall. Y/n took in a shaky breath, a slight smile appearing on her face as she was reminded of the fact that her parents were probably watching over her. "It's always going to hurt, always. But we can't go back in time and fix everything. The only thing we can do is keep pushing forward." Wanda sighed, using the back of her hand to wipe the tears off of her face. 

The pair sat in silence for a few moments, but it was a comfortable silence. A silence they both needed. Y/n slowly moved to rest her head on Wanda's lap, not taking her eyes off of the gravestones. Wanda was right. Everything she said was right. It hurt that Wanda had been through something as horrible as that, but it definitely brought the pair closer. They understood one another's grief far too well. "I'm proud of you, y'know." Wanda murmured with a gentle smile. "I would've never been able to do this, not even with Pietro by my side. And you asked to go alone. You're so strong." She whispered with a soft sigh. 

It took a while for y/n to finally be able to leave her hometown, but the team were patient with every step of the way. All y/n wanted to do was go home, and by home she meant the compound. She didn't want to stay in another hotel, she wanted to go home. To be surrounded by the team, her family. So they did just that.

Of course Steve had called Tony hours before they arrived back at the compound, wanting to make sure that nobody made any comments that could set y/n off again. He doubted that anyone would, but Steve just wanted to make sure.

Y/n had slept most of the way back to the compound, so by the time they arrived she was groggy and quiet, not impressed by the fact that she'd been woken up. Of course Bucky had tried to carry her inside, but y/n refused. She was an adult, she could walk in on her own. Bucky had his arm wrapped around y/n as they strolled into the compound. Surprisingly, most of the team were waiting for them despite it being late. Y/n took in a slight breath at the sight of everyone. She was happy that they were there, it was sweet, but she also didn't want to be fussed over. It would just rub more salt into the already painful wound. Steve frowned slightly at the sight of the rest of the team, giving Tony an annoyed look. This was exactly what he'd asked not to happen. Tony simply shrugged with wide eyes. He didn't ask for everyone to stay up. They just hadn't seen y/n since she'd left for Wakanda, of course they'd want to say hello.

However, before anyone could speak, y/n was suddenly hit by a toy bullet. Y/n's eyes widened as she watched the colourful bullet drop to the floor, looking up to see an array of toy bullets flying down the hallway. Peter suddenly appeared from around the corner, seemingly out of breath as he took cover from the bullets. Scott soon appeared too, his eyes wide as he held tightly onto his toy gun. "Y/n! Help!" Peter called out, reloading his toy gun with bullets. Scott nodded, glancing down the hallway at y/n, not seeming to care that the rest of the team were there. He quickly slid a spare toy gun across the floor for y/n to grab, his eyes wide with fear. "We were just playing a fun game with Cassie, my daughter, but she somehow got Thor and Bruce on her side! Bruce had literally made a toy machine gun, you've got to help us!" He called out, seeming very immersed in the game. 

Y/n couldn't stop herself from smiling at the stupid sight. Of course Bruce had made a toy machine gun, of course. There was no such thing as a normal day in the compound. "Go." Bucky murmured with a chuckle, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. Y/n didn't even have to argue, quickly rushing toward Scott and Peter, grabbing her toy gun on the way. She'd never admit it, but she was actually excited to join in with them.

The team watched with laughs and smiles as the trio ran out into the hallway shooting and screaming. That was their family. Their crazy, messed up, but loveable family. Not one day was ever the same, but that was the way everyone liked it, even if nobody would admit it. 

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